Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lake Of Unity

Walking around Castle Lake is sweet, for just 2 months ago we had such a night of intensity during the eclipse at this lake side.
Only passing a few people that announce they did not make it all the way, we arrive to the lake. Not quite what we were expecting,  I flash back remembering Jeremy commenting on another trail we did not take, as if maybe that was the way to the lake. We are here now and with reverence of this body of water will proceed.
We set up our small altar by the edge and go into meditation, Jeremy becomes a conduit as I guide the energy through his chakras and into Gaia. We decide to swim, now I must say this is only the second lake I have ever swam in, so experiencing the gushy muck that I must first walk through brings strange sensations to me. As soon as I am clear from touching the bottom I feel uninhibited, floating on sparkling diamonds which the sun illuminates across the top. Not a consideration that we may be sharing the swim with any creatures, nor aware of the water being cold, would it not have been since it is a mountain lake? 
We exit for another activation by the side where we are surrounded by dragonflies and damselflies. Being in nature is so new for me, I sit staring at the tall grass while these sweet little blue dragonflies land right in front of me, so close I could kiss them. A return to the water where Jeremy plays the bowl as I swim to center again, now to offer a garnet to the Lake, when we are joined by a young man, who must feel that ceremony is going on as he stands still in reverence.
Completing the ceremony with the baptism of our altar crystals and the opal that will be offered to the lake. Jeremy dunks the opal and when holding up to the sun the light interacts with the crystal creating a fire within, bursting onto another. 
One by one each crystal he dunks, then holds to the sun and hands to me, witnessing an alchemy. Stunning effects from this lake, with gratitude we close and begin our retreat, thinking we are finished for the day, as now it is late afternoon.
When we reach the crux of the trail there is a woman descending whom announcing her return from Heart Lake. Our eyes glance to each other as she walks on and without hesitation we affirm the necessity to continue as the absolute call to Heart Lake is imminent on this day. Arriving we see the outline of this beauty and accept the perfection of not knowing we were not at Heart Lake for the first one, the one we will always know to call the Alchemy Lake. This had to happen first and had we known it wasn't Heart Lake we may not have gone.
Approaching the solid serpentine rock we enter the heart as if stepping into a chapel, of love. I quickly place the bag of crystals that soaked in the Alchemy Lake into this heart. We both migrate to the edge and deciding not to swim we place our feet instead into this pool. There is such a high frequency emitting from here with beauty beyond expression. It is time for the offerings, after we charge the crystals together with our love I toss the first little herkimer into the center. Amazed we are by this ripple of light which imbues the water encompassing the length of the lake which charges towards us. The crystal shows us a dot within a circle, heaven on earth is revealed, all from this tiny crystal? The second offering, each of us simultaneously toss a heart shaped little serpentine crystal, plop, plop, instantly forming two circles, creating the vesica piscis. Another ripple of light with even more intensity again charges toward us. The last crystal, a large heart shaped stone is thrown in by Jeremy, right to the center where the whole lake becomes a spectacle of magic. The thought that rain is falling on the lake yet not at all on us or the rock we stand. I look and yet cannot really see the rain. The water is unfolding a symphony of cymatics, liken to computer graphics, the circles form and unite and then dissolve again, only to continue to open into fullness covering the entire lake. Falling on our knees in awe, we are captivated by this celebrated union with the water a field of unity, the flower of life.

The next morning we head off to home, but first having to overcome a dose of dense energy, after which our drive becomes the ever joyfulness we experience of me giggling while Jeremy drives. With a dry cough it occurs to me how much dust I inhaled while on the mountain as she was very, very dry, we have been covered in it. My thoughts go to all the mountains that I have been to and shared particles, realizing we share all breath as we share the earth, an exchange of unity. I'm aware the thirst I feel from the dryness and say to Jeremy after a large guzzle of water that I may have a mud slide within for that I now am filled with the mountain, Jeremy declares "we have eaten the mount". I now carry within me a consumption of matter to form, primordial unity.