Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Solar Power

Today is a powerful day, a re-union with Intihuantana (the sun temple) in the ruins above Pisac. My dear friend Jose who has been showing me how Apu Linli is always accurate when it comes to the weather in this area, as he has watched the mountain for many years insisting that it is the best forecast. Today we look together and Linli says clear to go that any rain will waft, even up in high altitude.
Jeremy and I visited the ancient temple before he left town, however feeling some unfinished business I am called to return without my twin. He tried to show me the twin flame chamber at the top, however I was consumed with the energy and we did not get anchor our twin flame frequency.
With taxi arranged and no earth walker I shall make this sojourn with my galactic sister Patricia, whom joined Jeremy and I on other important ceremonies.
Also, connecting yesterday with a beloved twin flame family of 5 who assisted in a most powerful ceremony at Lake Titicaca, I invited them to join us in todays ceremony. While not having a way to confirm in the morning, Patricia and I leave in the schedule taxi with Juan a native born Pisac man, whom I sense is also our guardian. With trust I hold that Bjorn and Brie will show up in the appropriate timing.
The cloud cover around the ruins holds within it a charge of heightened energy as we wind around this high frequency mountain. The ancients knew this powerful energy line as this is where many terraces were created as well as their sky temples. 
Approaching the entrance with a bit of trepidation, as the fee is 70 sol and the budget does not afford this. Having shared this with Patricia she communicates to Juan whom seems comfortable speaking on my behalf. The austere guard approaches my window, looking directly at him I speak in my gringo style spanish explaining that my time here is on behalf of Pacha-mama and that I will be holding ceremony while offering prayer. The guard walks away with Juan, minutes later we are given the clearance to proceed without me having to pay, tears fill my eyes as spirit is already inviting and we a clear to go.
Juan has consented to guide us all the way to the sun temple while insisting on carrying my bags, suddenly the earth walker has revealed himself and in gratitude I accept his offer.
The walk around the mountain side seems to be much easier this time for me, the spirits are not as consuming as before. 
Arriving to the top where at just the right angle is always the last point the sun touches before final descent. I first feel compelled to honor the sacred water that pours from channels coming out of the mountain. Juan again speaks on our behalf and asks for our permission to jump the roped off area to offer ceremony to the water. We are granted permission and in that very moment, Brie and Bjorn arrive from their arduous hike up the steep mountain side ruins, barely catching their breath they join us.
Next the most critical of todays efforts is the twin flame chamber anchoring the high frequency of unconditional love on top of this high frequency portal. Without my twin flame by my side I will merge as a trifold flame within the torus energy of our beloved friends.
I offer to step in first to set up the altar while opening a portal.
Clearing the energy with my singing bowl, imbuing with the tone of my heart. Then in perfect coherence as they each stand in one of the two doorways proceed to step into the temple. Walking in perfect succinct timing with gentle grace and reverence. My heart quickly expands and entrains within theirs. Each of them holding a twin flame crystal while merging their twin flame love with mine, that is now anchored within this holy temple. Prayer and intentions are met with enormous expansive love, we all embrace in a moment of awareness that this too was a marriage.
The feminine invites the masculine to deliver a charged heart shaped rose quartz to the chamber that will emit the frequency of unconditional love.
As I bow out of the chamber backwards allowing the twins to exit in their own timing I see Patricia and Juan sitting off to the side holding beautiful space, later sharing that she knew it was for twin flames and felt to honor the space during ceremony.
Our last ceremony is held in the sound chamber which resides on the edge of the highest peak. We all enter and tone while I play the singing bowl, the vibration is surely cast out to infinity and beyond with the frequencies of love and harmony within this vortex of the solar powered portal.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Somewhere Out There

Jeremy and I now, three weeks separated by what is known as space-distance and even time, all being of illusion. For he returned to Port Townsend while I remain here in Peru to hold space for our temple until my visa runs out. 
Aware I am that upon my awakening with birds singing their songs of the earth's frequency, Jeremy is deep asleep. As my eyes peer out the window upon first sight of each new day I see Apu Nuesta, where the maiden stands tall overlooking the sacred valley and our adobe. This time of year a heavy mist hovers around her and the vortex that encompasses my viewpoint. Jeremy met with her months ago delivering one of our sacred crystals while receiving the radiance of a thousand suns.
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight as I look to the stars with fascination I understand that if he is looking up at the same time, my view is opposite for we exist now in different hemispheres. 
The shared heart and soul of twin flames is an extraordinary gift and earned, for as candles in the wind the flames burn as brightly as the vibration of the embodied souls. If one drops in matched vibration there becomes a loss of resonance, rendering a distance far greater than any time or space continuum.    
We hold a shared dream, one for Gaia and for all beings on her. A vision of the new ascended earth with temples of light. Jeremy's unwavering love for Gaia has been the impetus for my arrival to assist with the expansion of consciousness,his prayer and call out for help was heard by the universe. 
We moved quickly in this powerfully charged one year together, traversing towns, states and countries, delivering codes of unconditional love as well as charged crystals full of clear intention for change.
Our powerful union, called forth by the highest realms with trust and knowing our level of commitment has us apart, will we remain united? 

Airplane travel is taxing whether you like it or not. When I immerse myself in a culture, extraction seems to make little sense to my spirit. Returning from Peru I feel like I am stepping off a fast moving escalator, not sure if I am at the top or the bottom. Port Townsend, exhibits a tranquility that is unobtainable, the easy going tide has a quickening current that pulls underneath the surface. The difference in frequency is astounding.
My dog, Shasta, well kept, and my friends in good health, I settle back into the great northwest. It is challenging to withstand the confusion of dropping in frequency from being in certain places on the planet, by no means an insult to any place considered to be of any lower in vibration, it is just reality. Where we were living in Pisac, beneath the sacred temple ruins of the Condor is possibly the highest frequency temples on the planet. 
I feel withdrawn, private and happy to be back, with the extreme cold snap occupying me in fetching wood. I try to recluse but my good friends Matt and Tim monitor my alone time, assisting me in not crashing into winter blues. A common occurrence around here and somewhat of an achilles heel for me as I truly am a child of the sun. The time in Peru was adventuresome to say the least, holding more purpose than the sense of my own reality and life. I have felt discombobulated after such large undertakings. I register a level of success through our efforts in the high Andes, yet how can I continue in service in the place of my return? A hemisphere away from my twin flame and spirit in arms, Lisana, who I believe to carry essential light codes of ascension.

A Plea for Humanity

Having just passed our one year anniversary from the day we met as twin flames, we are feeling the grandness of the year. From our first month of intensity when we were connecting the dots and our hearts, for understanding of what was being presented to us through divine orchestration. A whirlwind trip to Arkansas which held us accountable for every minute, two potent trips to Mt. Shasta, a sweet jaunt to the west coast including Neah Bay and Ruby beach and many ceremonies on our peninsula, while ending the last 3 months of the year in Peru on perhaps our biggest mission.
We have been shown many dreams of the new world and in order to assist them into fruition we must continue with the efforts expeditiously in a perfectly aligned sequence, allowing for a gentle shift on the planet as not supporting chaos nor destruction.
Our urgent directive is to circumnavigate the planet connecting with potent ley lines and grids while offering ceremony with codes of the new world as we deposit the aboriginal dream time crystals.
In addition to this work we are also urgently asked to establish a light temple in the heart of the sacred valley, where is quickly opening to be the spiritual center of the planet. Once this temple is beaming we are to continue opening many others around the planet fulfilling the new world harmonics of unity consciousness.
Not to forget we are in the midst of co-authoring two books, which are carrying specific vibrational signatures as well as light codes for those that read them.

Recognizing these extreme efforts on an extreme pace we need support and are humbly reaching out for the benefit of all.
Both of us have funded our work thus far and have exhausted the funds on very modest budgets. There are those awaiting to assist in other ways, however until the world shifts with a monetary system of fairness we are in need of support. We are willing to go as fast as the funding will take us, sponsors will have a front row seat and connection with us as we travel and document the information for our books. If you recognize, align and wish to support our work we would love to speak with you and share our beautiful story. 
Please contact us through our email or phone:

With love and gratitude,
Lisana and Jeremy

Monday, February 3, 2014

New Feminine Moon

Today brings with it a powerful super new moon, also called a black moon. Having two new moons this month is incredibly auspicious especially heralding a new year. 
The feminine shall dream in the new world with love and harmony for all. We begin to gather at 4:00, entering the peak while also recognizing there is eclipse energy taking place, however can only be viewed from space. Accompanying this are the reported 14M-class solar flares which have been released, indeed a day to embrace the powerful potential with clear intent and focus.
We begin with divine feminine love and sharing of support and comfort. I feel as though I am being held in a container of receiving energy, quite new for me to be the recipient. Then it is time, the ceremony opens with my crystal bowl and the passing around of a few of my potent crystals including the aboriginal dream time. 
After this charged moment we begin expressing our deepest intentions for Gaia, then the collective and then our own personal desires. In recognition and support for each other we hold space as we go around with our share. 
The candle illuminates our words as the collective amplifies the energy. It is done and time to share tea and food while we sit around the open fire outside watching our dreams come to us from the star lit sky.