Friday, December 27, 2013

Colca Canyon and the Condors

Christmas Day brought with it gifts of memories past, something I rarely get to experience. As they surface it feels like recalling a dream or movie I once watched as there is no emotional attachment. The memories are of my children during the peak of holiday exuberance, as this was always the height of our family's endearment. Grateful I am to have traveled back to these sweet moments, thank you spirit for a beautiful Christmas gift. 
For today, the day after holds enormous energy of us making offerings to Colca Canyon which is said to be twice as deep as the Grand Canyon and is the residence for the condors, though we are told very few live there now. The bus station is crammed with local Peruvians ready to make their way home after Christmas, packing in we travel east winding around the narrow dirt road paths which hang on the edge of the mountains. At times I wonder how close the driver can get the tires to cling onto the very edge of the dirt road which provides for gripping views of the valley as we ascend to higher elevations. So different than the US. highways for many reasons especially how few vehicles we pass.
Arriving to our town, Jeremy inquires for the return trip revealing the bus will only wait for 1 1/2 hour and then back to Chivay, as this being the only ride or otherwise will have to stay in town for the night. Agreeing to hold ceremony in haste we head to the edge of town where the canyon offers a vista of splendor.  
As we set up our altar we are delayed for a moment while a woman shows up taking photos of the canyon right where we are and proceeds to take pictures of us.
A bit anxious as we know we are racing with time we energetically ask her to move on. In amazement as the moment we begin with Jeremy offering tobacco we are stunned by the presence of a condor above us circling the visible moon. As this was not enough to bring us to our knees we watch as another condor rises up from the canyon like a helicopter surreptitiously hovering right in front of us. Tears flood my eyes as we are frozen in the moment feeling the grace and power of these enormous winged angels of divine grace. Their totem symbolizes death and rebirth and of the mother. 
Once out of sight we return to the ceremony at hand and finish with an offering to the canyon. My feeling is that the canyon represents the cervix of pacha-mama and the dream time crystal will be deposited as a light encoded inception into her womb.
Jeremy urges us to completion and with 2 quick clicks of my camera in an attempt to capture what we have witnessed he leads us out in such urgency I can hardly keep up. 
The altitude is high and my heart is working over time while I watch him shrink in the distance as I try closing the gap to our separation. I think he forgets my legs are much shorter than his and feeling like a child so often being left behind I struggle to keep up. We arrive in time to see the bus awaiting us and in a moment of restoration I hold in myself a dream of new beginnings which have been implanted under the soaring wings of the condors as they met with white eagle and myself.

A spectacular four hour journey takes us by bus to heights of 5000 meters, dropping into the upper reaches of Colca canyon and to a flat shelf that holds the small town of Chivay. What a difference in the energy here, we dreamily amble around the town square and the market in the fresh clean air amongst the buoyantly spirited locals, we are in the realm of the condor.
Christmas day is to be for rest hopefully, more so than the night before, filled with fireworks and barking dogs which commenced around midnight.
Christmas night is quiet outside, but my dreamtime is crammed full of a seismic wrestling match that had me quelling the appetite of very hungry dragons, while holding up the walls for the halls of the new world consciousness. Rarely can dreams be as vivid as this.
Happy for action again, we catch the seven o'clock bus from the depot to explore the depths of this place. Stopping in small villages on the way along the south rim, we witness traditional canyon life. Leaving the hardtop after ten or so miles we rattle along the canyons more inhabited side, with Nevada Mismi the mountain source of the Amazon river, peering over the north rim from high up on the Continental Divide.
The ride provides a fair amount of discomfort for Lisana as the coach lurches and slams onto pot holes. The pot holes I wish to avoid are the tourist drop off points along the deeper reaches of the canyon wall where condors are most commonly seen.These waysides also present the need for one to purchase a tourist pass at around $40 each, deeper than our purses reach. So we ride beyond the lookout spots where most exit the bus to a village called Cabanaconde. With not much as far as food and accommodation, the choice we have is to make haste with our ceremony and be back at the bus within an hour and forty minutes or stay over for 24 hours..
Scouting the back roads in the direction of the canyon we hustle down a track over a stone wall through a stretch of burned out hillside onto the edge of the breathtaking chasm. I could see a mighty waterfall about five miles away, in a spur to the north, several thousand feet down, this perspective made me whirl inside myself.
We lay out our alter as quickly and as calmly as possible arranging our tools for this dramatic moment. Hindered a little by the presence of a Japanese photographer who seems more interested in us and our crystal covered prayer cloth rather than the awesome spectacle ten feet before us. When she departs we begin. I play the drum initiating the practice for offering tobacco to the four directions, I throw the sacred plant toward the heavens as a condor swoops down in front of an almost full waning moon. We gasp simultaneously as the birds silhouettes himself against the whites and blues. Stepping forward to pitch the tobacco over the edge and into the earth another condor soars up from within the canyon right in front of our faces, showing all her colors and grace, and then both gone. Lisana holds her crystal bowl aloft to gift Pacha-mama with tears and sonic reverence. I imagine the crystals tumbling down the rocky slopes as we collect our belongings frantically as time often disappears on occasions like this.
True enough we arrive back at the bus with 15 minutes to spare,fully aware by looking into Lisana's eyes that those extra few may have meant less running along the dirt streets, in this, the home of the Condor.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Afternoon Whispers in Arequipa

On returning from Lake Titicaca we will stay in Arequipa the second largest city in Peru with Lima the first. Here we will part with Joy as she joins her family to head back to Port Townsend. 
The taxi driver upon dropping us tells Jeremy after their lengthy engagement that he thought he was speaking with christ.
With just a few days left before Christmas the town is bustling with the shoppers reminding me of any city I have lived in the United States during the holiday. The energy a bit consuming as I am feeling wide open and sensitive from the work on the lake. Stunned by the police presence Jeremy and I wonder is this just for the holiday shopping or is there something deeper going on, as usually is the case. While sitting we observe the obscured asymmetrical layout of the church in comparison to the square, we circle the square which is engulfed in the heightened charge of consumerism and the ostentatious display of shoppers. 

From Lake Titicaca we head west by night to Arequipa, a fascinating city built by the Spanish on a semi arid dessert at the foot of three volcanoes in one of the most seismic areas known. As far as my brief research revealed, no indigenous people had dwelled here before.The oldest buildings being for religious purposes, a true stronghold for the catholic faith, with nunneries, numerous churches and the cathedral. It struck me as odd considering that back in the day there would have been very little else around this central complex of white stone monuments, an oasis of Conquistador wealth and spanish ideals. From the tallest rooftop restaurant on the square you can see over the whole city as it slopes away from the volcanoes toward the sunset. A height restriction for earthquake reasons maintains an uninhibited view of how the city has grown, with more recent cheaper buildings creating a tight circle around the holy compound within the city centre. I couldn't help but to imagine the place as a kind of prison or militarized religious headquarters.
Wondering around the market in the afternoon we become entangled in the mystery of this place and decide to re-enter the plaza with our energy investigator hats on. With a sense of humor in seriousness we survey our way through the arches, tracking the symmetry and geometry within the incredibly intentional design of the courtyard plaza. The fountain and cathedral seem to line up more with the larger of the three volcanoes than the plaza itself. With a certain trepidation I walk toward the steps and wrought iron gates that warm the entrance to the cathedral. As a grid worker (someone who follows ley lines), churches and religious monuments are often found on nodes, intersections of earth energy lines. So, respectfully I have entered many holy buildings, familiar with the Masonic knowledge of knowing how to create vibrational frequencies within the architectural design. I have allowed myself to experience the channel of divinity through such a space. My feeling on entering the Cathedral was of distrust, bad business and extremely low vibration, finding it difficult to understand these sensations, but never doubting my feeling.
Making our way back to the hostel we discuss our confusion over this story of our planet and the dynamics that have been in play for so long with so few knowing the truth. As we stare at an old one sol coin that we found in the plaza that morning with the symbol of the sun on it we lace a prayer for humanity with love and a gentle hand of change.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Serpent of the Lake

Jeremy -
Spending a few hours in the Plaza De Armas under the waxing moon, we engage with Cuscanians. Attracting the most inquisitive we play the crystal bowl while openly discussing the impending times for the most beneficial change in the world, insisting that all must project towards the positive dream. Concluding in the company of a shaman activist who wears bill boards crying out for change. 
After having a bite to eat we decide to go to the bus station, at this very moment we receive a phone call from Ahmed and the family declaring that they have just arrived in Cusco and are only 5 minutes away from the square. Meeting them we pile into a cab and proceed to the station with only moments in hand to secure tickets for the expanded group. All aboard we celebrate and settle for the overnight journey.
Puno reveals to be a hassle from the moment we arrive until the moment we board the boat to the island Amantani, a volcano which sits in the northern expanse of the lake. 
Upon the top of the island sit two temples on their respective peaks, the male on one side and the other Pacha-mama, the female. Arriving here for the full moon we acknowledge the opportunity to pay honor in ceremony to the much needed balance of the new world. The four men of our group climb the eastern peak for dusk, with the intention of surrendering masculine domination in order to make way for clarity and harmony with the divine feminine. A windy and emotional experience as each one of us speaks our prayers into the crisp evening air with a panorama of the lake surrounding us, snow capped mountains glisten in the Bolivian distance. As we prepare for our descent we notice a glowing patch of water about a mile or so east of the island, without the moon being visible the luminescence seems self manifesting. 

Lisana - 
While the masculine climbs Pachatata to honor the divine feminine, the feminine goes to the lake for ceremony. First offering crystals to the lady of the lake and then proceeding to sit by a statue of a stern looking man whom glares out to the lake with a pretentious aire of presence. I begin to play my bowl as the feminine tones with the crystalline sound giving thanks to the masculine for all that it has served while honoring the emergence of the divine feminine. At the end of ceremony two local little boys sat with us, recognition the new masculine energies are arriving.

Jeremy - 
Over breakfast we collectively create our idea for ceremony at pacha-mama. To our surprise Ahmed, our Egyptian friend announces his impending departure, immediately threatening the group dynamic. Knowing that shadow forces often try to negate the acceleration of the ascension process, I insist upon his realization of the importance of our numbers and with his particular role, he acquiesces in relative cooperation. Everyone gathers their tools to commence the hike up in the crystal clear atmosphere of the bright and beautiful day. In support, I walk with Lisana at the end of the string of light workers ascending 14000ft up the sacred mount, the thin air makes for slow going yet allows for deliberation. Arriving at the temple we all drink in the incredible view, somewhere towards the middle of the northern part of this enormous high altitude fresh water sea. Creating our altar for the centerpiece of the ritual with everyone placing power objects on the Incan cloth in a heart shaped collection of rocks that lay in the clear flat space outside the temple. Our sense of unity and commitment buzzes around the party with an ever increasing potency. After smudging with palo santo and aqua de florida, we assume our positions in the circle, twelve strong. We begin toning as the energy connects us in the dream of our light creation, stepping forward into the center Joy, Ahmed and myself hold the triangular formation. Eduardo, Brie, Bjorn and Gigi hold the four directions as Lisana and the children representing the five elements encircles us, allowing for her crystal bowl to sing. The ceremony heightens into a sweet cacophony of vibrant sounds and fluid movements, with incredible intensity as each person slides into a state of magnetic majesty. Joy dances crouched to jumping, Ahmed expands in rhythmic convulsions while I thump the drum and throat sing. Encased by the golden glares from the four directions and enveloped with the sound of crystal tones, we throw a column of light above us connecting with the sun spinning the disk of our ultimate dreams for all to be embraced with love. 

Lisana -
After departing Amantani the boat stops on another island called Tequila island. There is a steep hike up and through the town and then down the other side where the boat will await. I choose to stay behind not making the climb, stealing moments of solitude as well as a perfect opportunity to deeply connect with the lake. Everyone else takes off to visit the isolated island, the day is stunningly beautiful with the intensity of the sun revealing as the morning progresses. The captain and I alone on the ship make light conversation and take our positions of comfort. Beginning on the roof of the boat I then heed a beckon to get into the water by the rocky edge. It is quiet, still and magical, no one is around. I remove my clothing and wade into the still water allowing her gentle touch to envelope me, the warmth of the sun compensates for the chill of this deep lake. It has been a couple of hours when I hear the voices of the group returning. After their long, steep hike everyone is hot and decides to jump off the boat into the water, there is much joy and celebration of the moment as they all swim in this sacred liquid light. Our boat returns us to Puno for the night where we all unwind and plan tomorrows mission.

Jeremy -
An evening of feasting promenading and joking in Puno allows for us to relax in the busy service town. While unsure of our next destination our group reduces by one. On awakening the next day we have understanding of our impending group separation, with Joy, Lisana and myself heading for Bolivia and the Isla de Sol. The eleven of us cram into two taxis and drive twenty miles towards the Bolivian border to the small temple sight of fertility, where after negotiating a small fee we engage in an intuitive act of elevating the vibration within the pre-Incan stone walls. The feminine lead with offerings and devotion while the men hold space as I drum in support. A tearful farewell divides us into the returning group and the ones to journey forward. Two hours later Joy, Lisana and I run the gauntlet of the Peruvian-Bolivian border and thence on to Copacabana to rest for the night before embarking by boat to the northern side of Isla de Sol, the day before solstice. Contemplating the location of our ceremony we trust that the northern tip will provide for us the correct point of projection to send the kundalini energy from the closest center point of the lake to all directions in the most amplified manner. The trek brings us to an obvious point of beauty and appropriate locale. Investigating a large stone table which stands amongst several archeological points of interest as we snack to consider our actions. During this time I study the place and become dubious of the authenticity of this monolith, perfectly carved cubes of stones surround the mesa with false significance. The center stone slab is propped unconvincingly on smaller rocks, I bring myself to the belief that the cubes have been relocated from a more ancient structure.
Mentioning this I suggest we explore a little further and within a hundred yards another temple comes into view. Obviously Incan and not of ancient creation we observe more stone cubes randomly placed within the walls of this temple known as the Chincana. My suspicions of something a lot older 
still occupies my mind yet diminishes with insignificance as we all acknowledge this sight to be magnificent for our purpose. The rock structure overlooks a pristine beach with clear waters while sheltered by a pyramid peak a short journey north at the very tip of the island. Dividing our crystal offerings of garnet, lemurian aboriginal dream time quartz and churt from Stone henge we split into three aspects. Joy descends to the beach, Lisana holds in the heart of the temple and myself climbing the elevated peak.  

The experience of crossing an imaginary border brings up memories of movies for me. The unspoken intrusive density that hovers around with gun holding police in barricades of intimidation brings about immense stress. The three of us are seated in the last row of the bus, so the effort to disembark takes a bit of time with the clock counting down from the forewarned "20 minutes or we leave without you". Already my heart is pounding and with lack of sleep and the intense energy I am feeling drained. We try to stay together but Jeremy runs off after the visit on the Peruvian side as Joy and I attempt to translate what is being said. They take my very important paper as I plead I was told never to lose it, but they insist. 
As we walk across the dirt road around the police and barricades we enter the Bolivian side, while waiting in line we see Jeremy run back to the Peruvian side again. Approaching the window they tell me I need another stamp and send me to the Peruvian side as well and Joy joins me for the same reason. Knowing the time is down to the final 2 minute warning I am out of breath and now having to run back up the hill to the Bolivian side once again. Thoughts of being left behind and that Jeremy and Joy will make it as they are moving faster, I surrender. Out of no where a Bolivian man steps close to me and says "tranquilo, no problem."
He can see that I am struggling and all but crawling to cross the finish line. Insisting that the bus will not leave without me, I look directly at him and believe he will take care of me. He walks me right to the office and while standing there in desperate need for water as the altitude is higher and the sun intense, he walks off and returns with a bottle of water for me. He escorts me back to the bus to join my awaiting friends, I am the last one on and as he gets in to the drivers seat of the bus he reveals himself not only as an angel but the driver as well.
After a restless night in Copacabana we head to the much awaited moment to be on the Isla de Sol. This is to be the greatest of all the missions for our Peruvian journey and for me personally my highest directive.
After a morning of disruptive energy towards the twin flames we arrive to the island with an attempt to regain our balance and coherence. Joy feeling the energy as she always is able to tell if we are in coherence or not, like a guardian of twin flames she has a connection with us from the first day she took me to meet Jeremy and maintains deep care of our success. She attempts to engage in conversation to lift my energy, offering snacks as well as her love and support. Nothing seems to shift my heart energy, only time and clearing. 
Upon awakening the next morning the twins are clear and coherent and ready for solstice and the raising of the kundalini energy from Chile up through this second chakra. We have all surrendered to the possibility we cannot make it to the south side of the island where the well known temple of the sun is located. However Jeremy insists that we go north first and see how we do in the time allotted on this most powerful day.
The hike is a bit challenging due to the high altitude at 12,500 feet however this enables the views of the lake to be extraordinary. Making our way as we are guided by the whispers in the wind, finding ourselves at the sacred spot of the Chincana ruins which lie on the northern most tip of the Isla de Sol. I begin going through a maze like structure of half walled buildings that lead me around and through to the other side. Joining back with Joy and Jeremy as they announce where they are being called, it feels like separation and I have discomfort around this. I am insistent on staying in the temple while Joy is compelled to be down by the water and Jeremy has a great desire to ascend the small mountain which hovers over the ruins. Acquiescing to their wishes I trust it is for the highest good as it always is. 
I set up and altar on the ancient large flat rock as I watch the two make their way to their potent spots. While I begin playing the crystal bowl I can see out of my squinted eyes several women have gathered in prayer with me. I make note of Jeremy's location and connect with both he and Joy to pull down the kundalini energy from where Jeremy stands through my being and send on to Joy at the lake and raise it where it flows through my temple.
We are not separated we are tri-located in order to accomplish this, really quite brilliant and necessary. The ceremony is a complete success and the women that held space with me thanked me for allowing them to join in this high moment. They point out that right next to me, hidden from my view by a wall is  an ancient spring called Tijuanaca and in the moment the words fell from her mouth I knew this is where the aboriginal dream time crystal shall go. Let the seeds of creation of the new consciousness birth from the womb of the planet, so it is.     

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Light Ops - Cusco

We prepare ourselves for what we consider to be our most important mission of the journey to Peru, that of Lake Titicaca, the planets second chakra. We connected days before with a wonderful family of light, through process with plant medicine which was led by an egyptian fellow named Ahmed. Sensing their willingness to assist in the joy of bringing heaven to earth, we mention to the group they would be most welcome to join us on our journey to the sacred lake.
Lisana and I depart for Cusco, the first leg, early on Sunday initiating the journey by depositing crystals in the ancient temple of the sun, which lies beneath the cathedral in the main plaza of the bustling Incan capital. Also having the desire to surmount the location above Cusco an enormous pre-Incan ruin called Sacsayhuaman, where huge interlocking stone blocks are beyond anyone's comprehension of how this monument was constructed. 
On arriving in Cusco from Pisac we amble around the city center like tourists, finding some food in the almost modern feeling ancient city, we plot our day. First stop we enter the Templo de la Compania de Jesus which is overly adorned with catholic icons of the bloody christ and tortuous images on every wall. To our delight there is access to a basement chamber where statues of Mother Mary, Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the spanish queen of the time, surrounds a small hole in the sanctuary's floor, revealing large stone blocks of the pre-Incan temple below. In amazement and gratitude for this window of opportunity we slowly lower ourselves onto the cold stone surface as to avoid the cameras glare that are hung on the walls. I reach into the chamber below to throw the crystal intended for this place into a stone corridor that disappears beyond our sight. As if nothing is unusual about our actions we exit the chamber and out of the church. Feeling a sense of accomplishment with our covert action we reward ourselves with a cup of tea and an amber ale for me, in an Irish pub just off the square. To my delight there is the Peruvian championship football final on the tv. There is quite a charge in the bar as Cusco plays Lima, a sense of the Incans vs. the conquistadors amuses my mythical mind. Not being able to stay the duration of the game we follow our dutiful inclination to continue our mission for the day. Hailing a cab on leaving Paddy's, we engage on the next stage of our spiritual espionage, negotiating the price we jump into Rogers cab. I explain our work and intention to the driver as if it is normal conversation, it is not a far reach for the locals here to have the awareness of galactic pre-Incan beings as the surrounding hills and valleys hold evidence of their most incredible ancestor. Roger, a pleasant family man seems to engage automatically with us in full commitment and assistance. Arriving at the kiosk we deliberate over the price and inappropriateness of charging $30 each, I am not against all tariffs, but we are on divine guidance and by the decree of the galactic federation. 
Like disappointed children we rejoin the cab with dismayed expressions, knowing that it is not within our budget yet prohibition is not acceptable. Collaborating with us, Roger declares the knowing of an illegal entry point. Cruising the parameter of the site he points to an opening in the hedge and pulls up to it, suggesting we leave our belongings including Lisana's extremely expensive crystal bowl on the back seat, while we intrude into the paid zone. We do so like snipers of light, only to be apprehended 20 meters into the open field. The walkie talkie holding ranger calls us to attention and then approaches. With all earnesty I explain that we are not here to linger and take snap shots, our only intention is to deposit crystals representing the constant flow of love within the universe, and the desire to gift this energy to pacha-mama in the most potent location. She instantaneously turns her back and gestures us forward in the direction of which we need to go. Mingling amongst the many tourists we weave our way through the maze of intricately placed perfectly sculpted stones, to an entrance way that indicates energetic potency. Both Lisana and I take a kneeling position as 3 young ladies wielding their high class cameras try to forge their way through. One of whom energetically recognizes the need to follow our protocol and automatically drops to one knee, and then stands to follow her friends as if nothing had happened. We acknowledge her subconscious participation as we nod her forth. After asking the spirits permission to enter we follow on, working our way up to the highest point of the temple ruins with haste and a sense of heightened importance. We approach a restricted area that is delineated by ropes, prohibiting any further advancement. This is the moment when I realize my rightful indulgence of the amber ale, as I am not encouraging of necessarily breaking the rules but having a little dutch courage I accept the instructions of my super consciousness. Within a few strides reach, is the goal of our divine purpose. I breach the forbidden zone and make a dash for the center chamber of the complex, hearing the whistle blow I know I only have one choice, to turn a blind eye and reach for the ascension bullseye. As if in slow motion, I release the crystals from the palm of my hand and watch them float into the heart of the sacred throne. My mind flashes back to the soccer game as I hear the spirits cry in elation, GOAL! I turn immediately to face the ranger placing my hands together in prayer, to announce "only a gift for our Mother Earth" and then promptly run and hurdle the rope to appease the official as he fully accepts my excuse. 

The price of 30 soles can buy a lot, married with the sense of spiritual importance. I give the sum to our trusted driver, as he returns us to the plaza in front of the cathedral.       

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Radiance of a Thousand Suns

Before leaving for Lake Titicaca, we consider it important to get crystals up to the maiden, who stands on the mother mountain. This will complete the pyramidical entrance for maximum energy to flow into the sacred valley from the stargate portal that we have created over the area of Pisac, using the mountain tops as beacons for galactic light to enter our plane.

Jeremy -
On the morning of Dec.12th we wake to the much awaited journey to the sacred mother mountain, that stands opposite to the father, Apu Linli. It has been in my consciousness ever since our arrival to the sacred valley that this mountain is profoundly important for holding the divine feminine energy. Symmetrical in appearance from our casa adobe view, I study the apu in the day and by silhouette at night, so the route has been plotted numerous times. We will venture the right hand ridge. Eduardo my home town brother and I start our ascent by assisting an Incan lady with her heavy propane bottle up the broken steps of her disheveled neighborhood, the unclad buildings join us on our first strides up the base of the maiden mountain. After heading across the first switch back of the road to Cusco that carves it's way up and around the three thousand foot earthen pyramid, we again cross the road that separates us from undisturbed nature. Having to find some vegetation along this stretch in order to grip our way passed the sheer mudslide patches, we embrace the steep incline. Scrambling our way up towards the ridge line we regulate our breath and come into a very present state, announcing to Eduardo that today is another special day, a day of incoming unity acceleration with the radiance of a thousand suns. As we each take our place on prominent rocks towering over the sacred valley, we soar into the winds of our hopes and dreams for unity consciousness to be fully received.  

Nuesta meaning the maiden, is embodied perfectly in a 40 foot red rock figure that stands out from the slopes about nine tenths of the way to the peak. She stares down to the river below, where on the other side sits a statue of an Incan warrior priest that crouches shielding his back to her gaze. As the legend has it the maiden turned to stone as she could not walk away from her love. 
We weave our way up the ridge line for quite awhile, assess the correct point to start our traverse across the steepest face towards the maiden, resulting in a cactus strewn cliff climb to the saddle that connects her to the mountain. Continuing on we descend the left ridge to arrive down in town with wobbly legs an hour and half later.

Lisana -
I am awaiting for Jeremy at the hostel where Joy and Eduardo are staying with their children. Joy and I in the kitchen near the entrance gate, when I hear the sound of it opening. Looking over to see that Jeremy is entering, I rush to embrace him while giving thanks for a mission complete I recognize his emanating radiance. Eduardo walks in moments later and he too has a luminescence about him. I know the work they did up on the mountain was powerful and needed at this time. Thank you dear masculine, I am in the upmost state of gratitude to you.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pachatusan - The Christed Mountain

It has been our plan to visit this sacred mountain for weeks now. The ridge of rocky towers lead up the river valley to the often snow dusted mount that is soaked in the mystical history of this land. Manco Ccapac and his wife were meant to have climbed over Pachatusan before claiming Cusco to be the seat of the Incan empire. This highland above the sacred valley is riddled with tunnels and also holds the site of the temple of the water. The lower slopes mark the religious significance of this place, as a large monastery is nestled within a eucalyptus grove that clings to the slope overlooking the Urubamba river.
The story of an escapee slave Diego from the mines of Senor de Huanca, a local landowner, back in the sixteen hundreds, who had gathered indigenous workers from far-a-field and set them to work in a mine in an offshoot canyon opposite the mountain. While running from captivity he took refuge in a hollow red rock someways up the craggy mountain. As he rested he heard the voice of God and a face surrounded in light appeared and instructed him to flee to his homeland, then to return with a priest and build a chapel over this rock.The story evolves through the centuries to arrive today at an oversized monastery that encases the rock within its walls and hides it behind the main alter.

Accompanied by Joy and Patricia, we are excited as the day has arrived. The taxi van delivers us to this pilgrimage site where many visitors bathe and gather at the collection pools of the powerful stream that gushes crystal pure water from the heights. Lisana, Patricia and I continue up beyond the pools, leaving Joy to hold space. A large boulder catches my attention several hundred feet up the Incan stone trail that ascends the mountain. Suggesting our point of destination I am delighted Lisana and Patricia climb the track with exuberance. On arrival at the rock we prepare our altar, affirming our intentions to each other. I am being called to stand on top of the rock to open the portal for us to deliver our dreams. It is apparently difficult for me to climb and almost impossible for either of my two companions to join me. So we agree that while I tone from above the ladies will chant and hold the rock from below.The moments to follow have us laughing, while in creating a goddess ladder I clamber up the backs of the women who take my weight in order for me to elevate into position with my last step on Patricia's head. What incredible willingness in this symbolic act, of the feminine supporting the masculine. Taking just a moment for us to commence while toning we accept the escalating vibration. I gaze over the sacred valley as we pour our love into the channel of this energetic highway, turning I witness the two high priestesses at the base of the rock shedding their tears into the falling rain. Crystals are offered and we are on our way. Stopping at the monastery to honor the red rock inside its enclosure, a small window hole in a corridor behind the church allows pilgrims to touch it. Taking turns, with me being the last. I place my hands through the window onto the rock, receiving a full charge of electromagnetic telluric earth energy unlike anything I have ever experienced before. I have since learnt that Pachatusan is considered to be the "protector" of the planet and akin to Mount Kailash in Nepal.

Having been back a week from our big trip to the lake and canyon, feeling just maybe we now may have a little break; we are called out to offer ceremony on possibly the most powerful mountain in the world, Pachatusan. The translation means the one that sustains the earth as he hangs in the sky with peaks from up to 16K feet, while the monastery anchors about 1/2 of the way up, this is where we will work. It has been said this is the only place in South America that Jesus was ever seen. There is an enormous unusual rock that is now encased within the walls of the church and a small opening that allows for the curious to touch it.
After making our way passed the monastery we stop by the sacred pools of water. Many local women are washing their hair in the sacred water from the mount. Both Jeremy and I soak our heads in the pure liquid light. I offer sound with my crystal bowl and then move to the next level where iconic statues and crosses abound, finding a sacred tree wherein begins our ceremony. Jeremy sits with his back against while I embrace the womb of the tree, perhaps Jesus sat on this very spot.  
Onward up the slopes to the magnificent rock that Jeremy located from below, a challenging slope for Patricia and I as the galactic sisters with little experience on pacha mama.
In full congruence of Jeremy's account other than my feeling of the intensity of the guardians that are not ready to leave their post on the powerful protective mountain, they accept the new earth codes maintaining their position. 
Like Jeremy I too could feel an enormous surge of energy though for me more of a cosmic blast, and was shown to transmit into the rock, delivering codes of the new earth,thank you Pachatusan for this magnificent exchange and your amazing presence for the planet. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Window, the Puma and the Gateway

The Window

Today Jeremy shall summit Apu Ventana, another mountain which anchors around our part of the sacred valley. It will be the masculine energy that makes this journey, Jeremy, Jay, Eduardo and young William. I will stay below while Jeremy makes the climb for the both of us. Tracking him I'm aware as he climbs, I stare to the mountain focusing on the ventana, a window portal, when instantly I feel Jeremy's connection assuming he is staring down at me. 
Before leaving this morning we charge the crystals including an aboriginal dream time that will be offerings as we always do with our clear intention.

Jeremy - 
Not being such a lengthy nor arduous journey as Apu Linli, we go light across town towards the meeting point with Eduardo and his 11 year old step son. Already prepared we gather our intentions and head straight for the initial slopes of the pyramid mountain. Taking the road that winds along the river east we chat acknowledging the beautiful day presented to us. It doesn't take long to realize our early morning hunger as we approach the steeper lower arid slopes that hold the last groupings of the eucalyptus trees. The trail not so easy to find at first becomes more obvious after scrambling for a few hundred meters over and around several rocky out crops. The huge agaves signal a trail that cuts diagonally across the north face of which we follow. Exposed and interrupted by several deep crevices created by severe water run off makes for a dramatic awareness of flash flood potential. The rugged pathway reaches far across to a ridge that stands above the lush sacred valley to the midway point of the mountain where a hole in the rock creates a window that is clearly seen from the town below, thus giving the name to the mountain. Being one of our destinations we willingly search for our crystals to offer to the natural phenomenon.
Each taking a turn to walk through the portal as we gather on the upward side of the ventana to gaze down through observing Pisac perfectly framed by the lesser eroded rock. I wonder if Lisana could sense the energy that we beamed through the lens of this portal. Eduardo the last of us to transition explains his feelings of having been in flight. With the crystal offerings in place we snack for awhile and then continue on. The trail becomes lesser traveled as we pick our way up the ever steepening slopes. We decide to follow Jay's suggestion in a moment of meditation, as he explains how to connect to the dream time as practiced by the aboriginals of Australia. We do this by gathering around a tiny white flower imagining that the light which illuminates it's petals reflect, entering our spirits through our eyes down our bodies into the earth and up through the tiny plant creating a cycle of luminescent understanding. Our continuing upward journey instantly becomes more in tune as each one of us falls in love and harmony with the surroundings and the precious fauna that we realize is accompanying us in each and every step.
Time becomes less significant and our approach to the summit becomes more fluid in grace. We notice above an older Incan man sitting upon what we believe is the summit, he greets us upon our approach. He seems really happy that we should make such an effort to join the two hawks that circle aloft. Jumping to his feet and reaching his hand forward with a delightful smile, we fully accept him as the guardian of this powerful mount. I am done questioning the way that spirit receives us. Our guardian offers his understanding of the energy that is held in this place, while digging into his cloth bundle of grass, obviously his work for the day. Producing an Andean flute he leads us to a higher promontory that offers a splendid view of the valleys that proceed upwards toward Kinsa Cocha, the sacred hanging lakes. He smiles genuinely and enthusiastically begins to play the flute, pointing his nose to the eluding peak that we still have to reserve breath to climb. He continues to play as we walk onward, I believe all of our hearts soared with the sound of the wind and the whistle. The hawks still circling as he heralds our ascent to the summit, finishing with a wave before returning to his bundle a short distance away. Short of breath we all make our final effort to the place where the crystals are laid and gaze upon the cloud clearing views of Mt. Sacantay, a crystalline snow capped pyramid. Following the guardians advice we continue down the other side of the mountain not to retrace our steps. 

Temple of the Puma

The week is unfolding to be another busy one as we are taken to Ollyantantambo by our three new friends, Patricia, Joy Hart and Stephanie. Just days ago we were in a conversation about Puma Marcha where the ancient ruins for the Puma sit and now we are in a taxi heading off for ceremony in the sacred temple.
Our three friends are quite supportive of our work recognizing our twin flame frequency and mission at hand. The hour drive did not feel to be an hour not for me, however since Jeremy had to sit hunched in the far back while listening to four women chatter in a frenzy may dispute the time. Patricia asks our taxi driver if he will take us up to the ruins and then stay to bring us back down. Agreeing to do so we all recognize our driver Jurro is here to assist us with the spirit of a warrior. The road winds up and around the mountain with many risks and challenges. We all hold our breath a few times as his car had to get over some large rocks in the road. The scrapping noise of the under carriage to the rough surface brings us concern, yet our driver pushes forward without falter.

Jeremy -
Arriving at the temple of the puma already allows us the sense of potency as the rocky ruins loom above us. It is not a steep slope but the structures seem to hold an energy of erstwhile importance. I notice Lisana is immediately breathing deeply, not because of the exertion but of the energy pulsing in the landscape. I tend to become a little on edge when I sense her in this way as I have knowing that this often indicates an enormous spiritual effort needed or the presence of hungry spirits not necessarily in alignment with ascension.
I try to impress upon her a need for coherence with me as she hazardously plots an illogical course of her own up the grassy slope. Have I become somewhat complacent in the task of leading the path for sure footedness or is there something misguiding her?
Allowing her the freedom to wander I question myself as to why I want her to follow me. After a few hundred feet we converge upon one particular large rock where I suggest we gather our intentions.
Easily done I watch Lisana scrupulously as she rocks back and forth finally resting her forehead on the stone unlike the rest of us. I know Lisana full in spirit and commitment to her work but something seems strange to me. She appears separate from the rest of us and oddly entranced. The group continues on to enter through a narrow gateway, I stall a little to match Lisana's pace inquiring if everything was well, not completely satisfied with her incomplete response I feel a need to insist upon our balance, she feels to me not present. The three other women disappear ahead of us into the complex of partially standing walls. The rain that was slight increases in intensity as we venture amongst the partially dismantled structures.
Swimming in the discomfort of not feeling connected to my partner and in full knowing that ceremony was impending I lower my critical observation of her and focus on the surroundings and energy within the complex. Quickly arriving to a place between several rectangular buildings that courted a magnificent natural rock emanating a powerful vibration. Almost immediately all participants arrive except one, Stephanie who had previously declared that her duty is often to hold parameter space. 
Lisana now panting exhaustedly with her rain coat half on and half off appears out of sorts and now my level of concern peaks forcing me to take action. Laying all of her possessions including her now discarded rain coat on the wet ground I decide that something is amiss. I feel to delay the opening of the ritual and encourage the four of us to drop along one side of the rock to a sheltered spot below where an olive tree grows from the crux of the fissure offering an ideal place for clearing and protection from the rain. Palo santo in hand I successfully ignite the resinous wooden splinter and with the upmost concentration pleading for all malignity to exit this important time and place. To my great relief and satisfaction the energy instantly aligns as I witness the incredibly sincere and divine clarity returning to Lisana's eyes. Completing the passage around the rock to the grassy space in front of one of the open chambers we lay our ceremonial cloth and crystals for the altar. The rain continues but softens in its onslaught as we ask for permission to enter. The chamber holds an enormous flat stone slab, Patricia leaps onto the edifice declaring that this is where the puma would lay as according to legend the puma and the people had lived together. A sudden realization came into her knowing that she (perhaps) was the puma in a past life. Shuddering with elation we glare at each other, this is the place for our offerings and love to be left. A hole between the earth and the pumas stone mat, an obvious depository for another one of our smokey dream time aboriginal quartz crystals. While standing in the center holding space I can feel the intensity of the energy flowing through the atmosphere.  Lisana, Patricia and I hold our hands to the heavens and the roofless sky, as Joy steps forward to complete the circle with such enigmatic expression throwing her hands upward embodying the role of a priestess in practice. A short while later we join Stephanie at the foot of the slopes of Puma Marcha.

               Mt. Veronica and the Gateway

Our third day in Ollyantatambo and it is time to visit the temple of the serpent, or so we think. As quite often we find that there is an impetus for action, however once our journey begins spirit will often guide us in another direction. It takes complete trust and faith to follow, not only spirit but the inalienable truth which cohere Jeremy and I in a most sacred way. Our relationship began with trust and throughout the year incessantly required us to match each others belief in one another, this day will be no different. We hop the collectivo (public transport van) in Ollyantatambo to head off to a small village called Phili, where we were advised to find the serpent temple. The bus ride is filled with moments of wonder as we almost always are the only non-Peruvian people. I can't help but to compare with any North American experience I can access, bringing me to such a humble view of a life I barely can remember. Everyone has the understanding to get on and off the bus quickly, even when they are carrying bundles of items or bambinos. Amazed with the level of acceptance as everyone always pays whether solicited or not. Sometimes the bus is so crowded that many will stand in the isle and somehow it just seems to work out.
I've watched the very young to the very old climb on the bus with ease and cooperation, truly an example of unity consciousness.

I am In full agreement with Lisana's knowing that we need to trust each other on this journey. I have also become reliant on the messages during sleep. Dreaming has always intrigued me yet now I try to decipher, on awakening any messages and guidance that my dreams may purvey. This morning they are as clear to me as ever suggesting that we should consider the opposite from the obvious path that our minds would indicate. Communicating this to Lisana she readily accepts this as divine guidance so onward we tread with all options up for consideration. 
The bus to Phili, crowded and packed with locals forges us into the unknowing as the driver assures we are at our destination. While not yet having arrived at any distinct village we disembark and amble further up the road to a small gathering of buildings to inquire of the Incan ruins close by. We are met with smiles but shaking heads, a few phone calls are made by the impoverished locals all seeming to have cell phones. Providing absolute confirmation that the serpent temple is no where in the vicinity. One lady points vaguely down into the valley below, feeling this is the moment to remember my dreams we decide to follow the opposite direction. After about a mile or so winding up the ever increasing gradient a farmer solutes us. He suggests that the only ruins of any kind are many miles above us on the pass from the sacred valley to the rain forest, Penas, the village of the ghosts. He promptly points to an on coming bus, which we flag down. Somewhat reluctant the bus comes to a halt. Allowing for us to enter the conductor explains that Penas is a long way from anywhere and the furrow on his brow suggests that we have no idea where we are going. A deal is made as to the tariff as the bus lurches forward in a desire to recoup it's momentum for the upward journey of many hairpin bends. After about fifteen miles the bus swings to the side of the road and evicts us without a moments hesitation. The elevation is both appropriate and unexpected for our inappropriate dress. The ruins clearly visible from the road are a delight for us, affirming our efforts. Sitting between two mountain slopes with water falls plummeting in symmetrical opposition. The one to our left of the road dives from a notch in a v shaped opening in the hillside, a veil of clouds hide something behind. Assuring ourselves that this is where we are meant to be we proceed through a rustic gateway off the road down towards the ruins and the colossal sound of a river that rages below the site. A tricky descent but not too far allows us a short passage to the heart of this rugged valley. An enormous rock that appears to be unnaturally flat on top indicates an intentional ceremonial locale. I climb up offering a hand to Lisana as she exhibits enthusiastic attunement, unravelling our sacred possessions without hesitation the ceremony begins. First with burning offerings then with toning and deep meditation.
As we conclude our brief consultation with the spirit on high, we become aware that above the waterfall now to our right as we look down the steep valley the clouds have cleared to reveal the needle peaks and conical summit of Mt Veronica. Our hearts leap in unison at such an incredible sight just in time for the veil to close again. Our glances dash to each other as the rain suddenly splashes upon the rock on which we sit, time to give our offerings and skidaddle which we do with the upmost haste. Only wearing light clothing we hustle to the road where we stand in the downpour watching two kara kara birds sweep the energy from above the ruins walls and fly down toward the sacred valley.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Equine & Exhalted One

Jeremy -
Twelve hours of dire stomach ache with many visits to the toilet it is clear to me that I have contracted guardia, familiar with the discomfort of such a condition, as I had guardia in India. My intention is to deal with it post haste, a quick trip to a clinic in Coya acquiring medication and few days of choking down the awful tasting tablets I rest for prompt recovery.
The week is occupied with much sleep and writing, as I regain my strength the activities recommence. In a state of almost full recovery I am able to appreciate life in Peru again. 
Standing in the garden of our adobe home I allow myself to wonder what next step my dreaming would allow. Within an instant my attention is pulled towards the clattering sound from the gate that swings open, moving towards the entrance in response I see much to my surprise a young Peruvian man who struggles holding onto two horses, one full grown the other a colt. It feels like Christmas as he hands me the reins of the colt. Without invitation he leads the way into our yard. My previous arrangement to house horses for our friend Kyd had somewhat evaporated so I feel bewildered about this equine delivery. Discussing for a moment with the stable boy it becomes clear that the horses are just here for grazing rights. This fits perfectly as the young man proposes that he will be back to tend for their needs as he loosely tethers the larger of the animals, with belief that Chaska the younger will just hang with his older brother. It seems to be the case for a few moments until he rears up making a be-line through our garden, disappearing in the direction of the stables about a third of a mile away. We run down the track as quickly as possible to retrieve the young horse. As soon as we arrive back I notice Pacha has released himself from his tether and in a chaotic moment I try to grab his reins, as he bolts around the alfalfa patch. The two spooked and nervous horses join forces and careen away together through the campo. Horrified by the potential injury of them jumping the rocky terraces, we run after through the maize and quinoa fields.

Lisana -
While walking back from town in the early afternoon on the path, I pass the familiar scenery of the old church, the stables below in the field where five or six horses spend their days and nights as I enjoy the splendid view of the waterfalls and the sacred valley. Then after crossing the foot bridge I see in the distance which diminishes greatly the oncoming charge of two horses. I am confused and delighted as racing right behind them with no surprise to me, is Jeremy. I gaze upon this spectacle turning to the Peruvian woman who happens to be at the same spot witnessing with me. Startled and feeling somewhat helpless as the larger horse struggles to get up to the path from a steep stoney terrace. Though concerned he will injure himself I quickly realize in his frenzied state that it will not benefit either one of us to attempt any assistance, with quick assessment I concede to the plight of the horses' jump and back away allowing for him to fulfill his goal. Jeremy greets me as he runs passed to catch the horses which gallop off to their familiar home. The young stable boy and he are successful in their efforts and return the horses to our yard of abundant alfalfa. Knowing Jeremy has been desiring the presence of horses and certainly holds horse energy, I am pleased to see this manifestation arise. 

A week or so goes by and life in the sacred valley seems to take a natural pace. The horses come and go as the rains move in to encourage the verdant growth of the nature around us. 
Before coming to Peru we envisioned part of the reason for the adventure to the Southern Hemisphere is to establish a modern day light temple. Having found the property where our mud farmhouse stands, located between the mother and father mountain within the heart of the sacred valley, we appreciate this to be of energetic significance.

One early afternoon as we come back from town we meet a middle age Peruvian man, who presents himself as Exhaltacion, (the exalted one). With an odd expression he announces that he would like to show us some land if we are interested. Going along with spirits' unfolding mystery we agree. Appearing that the land he wishes for us to see is directly above our current abode, we imagine a grander plan of temple space. The walled property he takes us to, is covered with peach trees and stands below a friends place that holds a round sunken ceremonial chamber. Exhaltacion, with the grin of a child encourages us to follow him to the corner of the treed plot, to reveal the entrance of a cave that disappears deep into the rocky outcrop that bookends the orchard. 
He communicates that on sighting us, he heard the voice of God in his head, and with a glazed expression tells us that spirit wishes this land that backs up to the mountain, should be in our charge. A price is proposed yet we feel not to negotiate at this point and just let the circumstance  develop without attachment. He suggests we cut keys so we can spend time on the property to develop our sense of belonging. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Twin Flame Throwers

The morning opens to sunshine, love, and a feeling of wonderful inspiration. Today is Thanksgiving and Jeremy wishes to prepare a somewhat traditional dinner, however he has allocated the morning for digging in the garden behind the horno oven, to prepare for a bath tub, another huge manifestation, oh I dream of the moment I bath under the stars. While digging he discovers a bone and sets it aside, later it is revealed the land has been a cementary. Joy (from Port Townsend) is expecting to meet me in short order to spend time together in town, so I am poised to head out. While walking in the garden I am quite over taken by the energy of the spirits, whom once again are seeking a way out and are aggressively making themselves known to me. In no way am I inviting them thru my vessel, especially after the tree energy from the first week of our arrival. 
Jeremy asks that I wait, so we can hold ceremony, honoring the hallowed ground while burying the bone and placing an Incan round stone on top.
Meeting up with Joy, we first stop to see a mutual friend and I find I am caught in a lengthy visit losing track of the time. Joy and I head into town to purchase some food for the days' meal, I am to acquire the chicken for the entree. At this point Joy is feeling a bit weak from her sickness with salmonella and still on her medication is requiring food. So we stop at a local restaurant to satiate her appetite. I grow a bit anxious as I can sense Jeremy calling me in, however, I have no idea of the time and for some reason I am not concerned. Joy receives a phone call from her son specifically stating that Jeremy went into town to purchase the chicken. I express to Joy my surprise dismissing any urgency to get the groceries. Finally parting ways, I rush home with the belief I am going to assist in food prep with Jeremy. I arrive to a very dismayed twin flame. 

It being only an hour and half before dinner time when Lisana returns. I am in state of ill preparation to even begin the should be enjoyable time of cooking for loved ones, I find myself on the seat of anxiety. Accusing Lisana of hindering the process of festival engagement, I request the evenings ingredients and am shocked to hear the chicken has not been purchased. A mild sense of panic and betrayal washes over me, since I have been waiting for what I thought would be a prompt return. Allowing myself the pity of having taken on an impossible task of trying to please others. I listen to Lisana as she explains the phone call from William and shares in the incredulous prior communication. I really can't understand why such wires could cross and that my previously intended delicious undertaking will now transpire into a hurried spread, incorporating non existent ingredients. I surrender immediately to the undesirable outcome that dinner is off and appropriate actions should be taken in order to curtail any uncomfortable outcome for all. My twin flame and I instantly fall into polar opposition, shutting herself in our room. I mope around in the garden unsure of what to do with myself, yet I continue to fuel the flame of the horno oven. Knowing well that all have received word that dinner is off, I am surprised when Eduardo and children approach from the maize fields below. Looking like the party is to begin, I realize that the show must go on. Moments later Joy appears through the gate yielding a bag of the oh so evasive chicken, our main course. I tighten my belt and jump into action. During my torrid emotions I nip upstairs to inquire whether Lisana is going to hold presence. 
Peering into our room I discover her to be in an energetic coma, barely acknowledging me. I encourage her to join in the resurrection of such an awkward day. While witnessing her being unattainable, I accept my plight is to be solo. Albeit delayed, dinner is received by those present, Lisana does come down but appetite eludes her. On concluding my meal I become antisocial and tired from the days events. 
The morning begins with a contaminated sensation of the night before. I perceive an intense vibration of disparity and evasion from Lisana as she moves around in bed. In full awareness that this obstacle must be over come instantly, I rifle through our drawer of burnables for the sage bundle and palo santo. Sitting for approximately twenty minutes, filling the room with bellows of purifying smoke, I study Lisana as she resurfaces from her sub-dimensional quandary. She seems happy to see me and returns to her normal state of enlightened presence, it really feels like a welcome return. She admits to me an uncomfortable sense of having been taken over by the occupation of yet more exiting spirits; presumably provoked by our ceremony the morning prior. All I wish is to embrace the return of my twin flame and the opportunity to continue.
The next day I contract a stomach ailment that appears to be the transference of the shadow energies that moved through from spirit to physical.

Lisana -
Awareness of the thick aroma filling the room, I feel as if I have been gone for a longtime. All I see is  White Eagle sitting in front of me, welcoming me home. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hey Diddle Diddle......a feast In the middle, and the bull charged Into the moon

Before my eyes could open, my ears were tuning into the sounds of the cows being led out for the days ploughing onto the narrow dirt road that weaves right alongside the back of the farmhouse, continuing up one side of the valley. Impressed by the strength of these animals as I have watched them work in the maize fields below, they are an old breed, more like an oxen.  
I lie in bed wondering if it could be possible for them to run their horns through the mud wall of my home.

Today is 11/11,a powerful day, especially here in Peru for this pinnacle moment of shifting the frequency on Gaia. A perfect day to build a medicine wheel on the property, anchoring in the center of 2 vortices of the sacred valley. Our ceremony is done with intention following the ancients method of the 4 directions. We place crystals under the main rocks of each direction as well as the center stone where our Aboriginal dream time crystal will anchor. The outer ring is blessed with holy waters from around the planet, while ritual smudging imbues the circle with smoke. My crystal bowl is played as our voices bring a sound of harmony for unconditional love. A medicine wheel offers a powerful point of amplification and when set with a clear intention of love, holds enormous potential as a beacon.

The following morning, 11/12, another power day and for this we shall have a feast in celebration of Jay and Joe's birthdays, our two housemates. By word of mouth we invite our tribe, as well as our new friends of the valley. The potential could be as many as 30 people, excited by the prospect especially since we just moved in only a week ago. Jeremy completed the horno pizza oven in time for this gathering, you build it they will come proves to be accurate, as many friends arrive with their offerings, creating an evening of feasting around the new picnic table with a glowing fire and music to complete a spectacular night of celebration.

As the week unfolds it reveals to be full of diversity with much opportunity for connection while instilling our energy into the valley. Jeremy will take motion to ascend Apu Linli one of the amazing mountains that surrounds us. I will stay down below connecting with him remotely as we have done before. We charge the crystals together that are being offered to the mountain, while affirming our coherence. I have to admit being envious of earth walkers for they venture to lands I may never see in this body. 

The week continues with momentum, having been guided to the river today, where the ancient tree from the town square was dumped after removal. This tree has been an enormous charge for us, and now three weeks later we will conclude our efforts. We are to release the energy still stored in the massive splintered limbs which are piled beside the river, disposed like old unwantables and abandoned for decomposition. The ceremony is incredibly powerful and as I have been experiencing with this tree once again the energy wants to run through rather than around me. The intensity has me race off to leave the area, as the spirits were bountiful, swiftly embarking to their new station. All is complete, except one more deliberate action, that is to burn in sacred fire the pieces of wood that we acquired the day after the tree went down, as they are still holding energy that is incredibly disruptive. Our awareness that many people took pieces over the days that the tree laid in disparity. Attempting to hold fire, however each day brought with it an effort by nature to thwart us until the third day. When given a narrow opportunity before the rain to hold the ceremony, not only clearing our pieces, but all the pieces that many people had confiscated. It wasn't until the next morning that we realize how much this work was needed to open the energy that is direct connection to Intihuatana, the sun temple right above Pisac. This temple has an ancient cosmic rock which connects directly to Alcyone, our central sun. For this the temple emits quite possibly the highest frequency on the planet.

Jeremy -
The next day while enjoying a beautiful sunny morning at breakfast with Jay on the upper level, the doors wide open to the narrow wooden balcony transport me to an image of life in Italy. Lisana having left earlier for dance in the glass round house at PazYLuz, a familiar haunt for her and a comforting space. 
Gazing out over the terraces that step down onto the valley floor in front of our adobe villa, I notice the lethargic stagger of our landlord Rolando as he climbs towards the house. He offers me a hearty greeting as I join him in the garden and explains his hangover from the day before, claiming to have lost all of his money. I realize it's rent day albeit a little ahead of time. Accepting the money with his calloused hands he returns to the maize field below where he and two other farmers are working two teams of bulls.
Returning to breakfast and tea long enough for something to infuriate one of the beasts, having broken free of his harness decides to charge the other team. Jay and I spring up aghast at the spectacle. One of the small Incan farmers runs at full pelt while clinging onto the rope of the stampeding bull until losing his footing and then dragged into the dirt and through the corn stalks for about 20 feet. Letting go he seems alright but now it's futile to stop the charge.
Lungeing at the two animals harnessed together the situation seems drastic and extremely dangerous as Rolando joins in the skirmish with equal tenacity. I feel the psychology behind the bulls reaction as suddenly realizing the possible demise of one of them. It took seconds for their awareness to join, automatically turning 180 degrees like dance partners to face the individual aggressor as they stormed with a neutral demand. The single bull ran like a scolded youth. Our tea still hot, brings us back into the kitchen and to the discussion of tonights full moon.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Sacred New Moon

The energy of the new moon in the sacred valley is proving to be a powerful one, allowing for quick manifestation of our hearts desires. Jeremy in particular, within this first week of living in our new home, has manifested by his own creation an amazing feasting picnic table, a horno pizza oven and the potential to have a couple of horses on the property. He has successfully cleared much of the property, pruned the sweet apple tree and made a cob floor for the new kitchen with the prospect of a hot tub on the horizon; while enjoying the camaraderie of our roommate Jay. My first night in our new home is filled with celebration as we host a new moon gathering, with sacred fire, drumming and song while imbued with community and love. Stories are shared of spiritual awakening and cosmic awareness with such beautiful openness.

Two days later we are called for ceremony up to Kinsa Cocha where hang in the sky 3 lakes and 3 sacred mountains; protection, fertility and wisdom, with one being struck by a meteor many thousands of years ago. We are guided by our new friend Kuti, a peruvian shaman who connected with Jeremy immediately upon our arrival. This being my first official hike where I actually wear on my back a daypack, I am challenged to be the galactic earth walker. Our walk in is met with the guardians of the mountains opening a clear path of sunshine instead of the impending rain storm, Kuti informs us that if we were not welcome the storm will surely chase us out. 
Kuti leads us as Jeremy watchfully follows, while I send a silent prayer to Gaia requesting safe passage. Shortly in Kuti offers to carry my pack and provides for me two walking sticks which prove to make all the difference. We stop at several spots along the trail while traversing the sides of the mountains which forms a chalice for the lakes, making offerings with our clear intention.
Sensing a gateway as we approach a rocky outcrop which stands high above the lake, we stop to hold ceremony calling in the heaven to earth connection. Whereby I sit on the large rock playing my singing bowl as Jeremy stands behind me with his citrine crystal aloft as well as his dream time lemurian quartz, directing the energy from the sun down into the earth. From there we descend to the headwater of the lake, where Kuti performs a traditional Incan cleansing ceremony. He seems surprised at our level of involvement as we readily contribute to the altar with our crystals, tobacco and gifts for Pacha mama (mother earth). Dipping our feet into the breathtakingly cold spring water allows for a very tactile moment as we are encouraged by our guide to each find a meteor stone, ensuring a return trip to Peru as prophesied by the Apus (mountain spirits).
The stunning panorama of vibrant colors with the shapes of the mountains gracing the back drop offers a magnificent monumountainous moment etched in time. Sharing earthen baked potatoes offered by an Incan villager who was just passing by at the perfect moment made for a sweet delight. My awareness of the Incan farmers working in the terraced slopes, as we pass by brings me to a thought of how they are at the top of the world planting their seeds by choice. That perhaps, they have no desire to descend to the lower as they exist in these higher realms. No need for cars or modern conveniences, for the space and vibration they maintain on the planet. Reminding me of the Tibetan monks holding the dream for many years on top of the sister mountains of the Himalayas.
After full circumnavigation of the lakes where our transport is awaiting us, we are quickly taken to a local Incan woman who offers us chicha (corn alcohol) drink. Her two beautiful children sit with us while Kuti and his taxi driving brother guzzle their corn beer down. Jeremy and I share one and with my first sip I assure to leave most in the cup for Jeremy to enjoy. A mix of sour and fermented maize creates an odd tasting beverage that I am sure after many generations one could acquire a taste for.
Moving close to the children I give them each a heart shaped serpentine stone, though they do not speak any english we connect with our hearts and have loving giggles. Such a sweet way to end a powerful day of work on the glorious slopes of Kinsa Cocha.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Merging of our Worlds

Jeremy and I have traveled quite well together, up to a couple of weeks at a time, but we have never co-existed in the same living space. Now, with our 3 month journey to Peru, we shall be asked to merge our worlds. It really makes for an interesting and at times humorous story of our polarity in how we live on this earth. Jeremy, the ultimate earth man and for those of you that know us you have heard me reference him as my earth walker. It is clear I am a galactic and my experiences on the earth have been very limited. Having just camped for the first time this summer while working on Mount Shasta and now in Peru requiring a passport, are just examples of my naive exposure to this earth. Hotels and camping are entirely different from sharing a humble abode together and now we will find balance in our existence, bringing Heaven to Earth.
The merge was bound to take place after our week at PazYLuz's, as we knew we were searching for something affordable, that we can leave our belongings while we travel about. Now the morning is upon us when we are to move on to our next home, a bit leery for what is coming, I surrender to the possibilities. The taxi arrives to load up the luggage dropping us at the edge of town where we find a hostel that also offers horse back riding, called the Caballo. Jeremy being a fire horse in Chinese astrology is really enthusiastic over the prospect. The price was right, the convenience  perfect and Jeremy seems quite content with the modest amenities of the cowboy style quarters. My night was restless as I did not feel the room to be sanitary and the bed quite uncomfortable. Having to use the outside down the stairs bathroom a couple of times in the night added to my discomfort.
Arising at 6:30 we decide to explore an opportunity of a room in a shared house that our friend Jay spoke of just the day before.
Following the dirt road to the north of town into the beautiful valley we hope to come across Jay's location.This valley is nestled below the sacred ruins of Pisac and holds beautiful and magical energy. We walk to the roads end without discovering the house, heading back towards town we notice an old adobe farmhouse. Feeling this must be the one we enter the gateway to find Jay in front of his room-perfect timing. He shows us the room and shared kitchen and bath. Jeremy seems quite pleased with the prospect, I on the other hand am struggling with my 3D vision of the living quarters, though I do feel at peace with the location and the energy of the area. Having an outdoor bathroom will be a new experience for me especially when Jay announces there is no hot water. There is no hand rail down the concrete stairs that are quite precarious and while the outside kitchen sink is a stunning piece of pre-Incan stone carving, it is also new way of experiencing a life without the modern conveniences, inviting me to relinquish all attachments. 
Our room is dirty, with a broken window and a few built in shelves. Raw wood flooring makes it very rustic, this is an adobe built mud home and my partner is determined to get me into the earth. I do have resistance raring up and voice my concerns to Jeremy and Jay. I can see the sparkle in Jeremy's eyes that he loves the space but can I bring myself into the earth in this way, can I find comfort and maintain my high frequency?
As we walk to the market to have our breakfast we discuss the home and I can sense Jeremy's eagerness as well as concern for my happiness.
We start having a bit of struggle which is affecting our coherence. The diversity of our comfort levels are extreme and brings us to a peak of discordance where Jeremy is asking for me to make a decision about the home one way or the other. Hearing his frustration I decide to avoid the   decision and leave the horse hostel in an distraught state in order to explore an alternative. I seek a hostel that I have been wishing to check out while on my way I pass the Shaman store, where we had befriended the owner, Carlos. He sees that I am upset as I inquire where the hostel is and offers the directions just up the street and I am quickly on the path, hopefully for neutrality with Jeremy. I find, like and accept the possibility of staying at this hostel which offers clean rooms and comfortable beds with a friendly owner whom readily accepts me as family. Racing back to share my delight with Jeremy and that I have finally made a decision for us, I run in to thank Carlos sharing my elation. He jumps up offering assistance for us by using his cart to bring our luggage to the new home. I feel it is all too sudden and should thank him and say Jeremy has to see the room first, but I don't. I feel disempowered for some reason and succumb to his lovely offer. Racing to Jeremy at the Caballo I begin shouting at the window "Eagle Blanco, mi contender" When I enter the room his reaction is not what I expect. 
Now he is going to share his side of the experience.

Jeremy - 
As I lay in bed after a frustrating morning, thinking that we have found the ideal accommodation in order to leave our circus style gear behind, so as we can travel. I feel myself slipping into an unconscious state and at that moment frantic yells of "Eagle Blanco" followed by some galactic peruvian garble, I sit bolt upright almost sending my spirit into the wall in front of me. "Is this an emergency is Lisana being chased by someone?" After the door rattles for a second or two she comes crashing in announcing that she has the solution. 
Relieved to see that it is excitement and not panic I settle down a little on the edge of the bed to hear the news. She instructs me quite passionately to pack up and bring the bags downstairs, as someone is waiting. Peering out the window I realize the intent of relocation is well under way. 
Disharmony spirals around us and between our glances, having a gut feeling of being under someone else's control; not Lisana's but that of a local shaman who runs his store with a deft hand and pleasant yet extremely professional demeanor. It all seems very rushed, so I insist that Lisana thanks him for his kindness but will leave us to gather our possessions and a few thoughts. As soon as I feel the pressure dissipate, as Carlos exits the stable courtyard, I know I must surrender to Lisana's more sanitary needs. I probably have lowered the bar so low that she tripped over it. Indeed it would have been nice to have some transportation to the new lodging as fully knowing the next action is to haul my backpack, which is large and stuffed, along with half of Lisana's luggage. It's not too far of a reach, but after ten blocks of the small Peruvian cobbled streets, perspiration is building due to the ever changing high altitude cloud to clear temperature jumps. Simultaneously I notice Lisana's moist and slightly swollen eyes, from the exacerbating energy of our morning. Arriving at the three story hostel with orange steel gates we ring and wait. Greeted very cordially we are shown to our room via the clean concrete un-banisters stairs. Ours is the first room on the third floor balcony looking over the inner empty courtyard with an awesome view of the valley.The lush green carpet of maze offers a contrast to the rugged mountain walls that ascend at least three thousand feet only to be interrupted by the steel reinforcement bars extruding from the unfinished roof of the hostel. The polished tile room holds two beds, the larger is offered to Lisana while the other small yet clean and comfortable bed is tucked under the angled roof rafters, allowing around 4 and half feet of clearance on the higher side of the bed. I wonder if Lisana even considered the fact that I am six feet tall. We drop our bags while Lisana moves about her side of the room as I sit on the edge of my bed. I really feel like a child who doesn't know whether he just wants to get what he wants or whether we are disappearing into a comic like reality. The only thing I can do is to get out for a little space as it feels extremely claustrophobic, agreeing with Lisana I head back up the dirt road to the adobe to let Jay know that we will not be able to inhabit the farmhouse. As I walk down the narrow entrance way with a drop of a few feet to the terraced garden below, I come to the front of the building, to my astonishment, Jay the slight New Zealand spirit dancer has completely rigged up a banister and a sink awning, the unique construction of wire, salvaged wood and eucalyptus branches and the anchoring of the commonly seen rebar that protrudes from any unfinished concrete, was solid and will definitely secure Lisana an easy descent.

*without overlapping too much, going back to my viewpoint -

Arriving in the room of the hostel of my choosing Jeremy instantly points out why this situation is all wrong for him as the earth walker and how it would crush his spirit, with a simple gesture by standing up from the edge of the bed and pretending to bash his head on the beam. He leaves to let Jay know that we will not be staying even though I can feel the disingenuousness of his expression. Upon Jeremy's return he shares Jay's instant manifestation of the work that was needed and assuring the hot water will be working soon. Jeremy offers to clean and make ready the home for my comfort. Insisting that the low overhead will allow for exactly what we are looking for, he suggests I stay one night in the hostel whilst he goes straight to work on the adobe home and stays for the night. He calls on me later in the day to share a meal and part ways for the evening and though it is an agreed option it feels like separation when he says goodnight to me and walks off for his fourth journey to the farmhouse that day.
My new home is fixed to satisfactory specification and 
I now accept living in accordance with nature and perhaps a most necessary way for us to anchor the new energies into the earth.