Monday, November 11, 2013

Hey Diddle Diddle......a feast In the middle, and the bull charged Into the moon

Before my eyes could open, my ears were tuning into the sounds of the cows being led out for the days ploughing onto the narrow dirt road that weaves right alongside the back of the farmhouse, continuing up one side of the valley. Impressed by the strength of these animals as I have watched them work in the maize fields below, they are an old breed, more like an oxen.  
I lie in bed wondering if it could be possible for them to run their horns through the mud wall of my home.

Today is 11/11,a powerful day, especially here in Peru for this pinnacle moment of shifting the frequency on Gaia. A perfect day to build a medicine wheel on the property, anchoring in the center of 2 vortices of the sacred valley. Our ceremony is done with intention following the ancients method of the 4 directions. We place crystals under the main rocks of each direction as well as the center stone where our Aboriginal dream time crystal will anchor. The outer ring is blessed with holy waters from around the planet, while ritual smudging imbues the circle with smoke. My crystal bowl is played as our voices bring a sound of harmony for unconditional love. A medicine wheel offers a powerful point of amplification and when set with a clear intention of love, holds enormous potential as a beacon.

The following morning, 11/12, another power day and for this we shall have a feast in celebration of Jay and Joe's birthdays, our two housemates. By word of mouth we invite our tribe, as well as our new friends of the valley. The potential could be as many as 30 people, excited by the prospect especially since we just moved in only a week ago. Jeremy completed the horno pizza oven in time for this gathering, you build it they will come proves to be accurate, as many friends arrive with their offerings, creating an evening of feasting around the new picnic table with a glowing fire and music to complete a spectacular night of celebration.

As the week unfolds it reveals to be full of diversity with much opportunity for connection while instilling our energy into the valley. Jeremy will take motion to ascend Apu Linli one of the amazing mountains that surrounds us. I will stay down below connecting with him remotely as we have done before. We charge the crystals together that are being offered to the mountain, while affirming our coherence. I have to admit being envious of earth walkers for they venture to lands I may never see in this body. 

The week continues with momentum, having been guided to the river today, where the ancient tree from the town square was dumped after removal. This tree has been an enormous charge for us, and now three weeks later we will conclude our efforts. We are to release the energy still stored in the massive splintered limbs which are piled beside the river, disposed like old unwantables and abandoned for decomposition. The ceremony is incredibly powerful and as I have been experiencing with this tree once again the energy wants to run through rather than around me. The intensity has me race off to leave the area, as the spirits were bountiful, swiftly embarking to their new station. All is complete, except one more deliberate action, that is to burn in sacred fire the pieces of wood that we acquired the day after the tree went down, as they are still holding energy that is incredibly disruptive. Our awareness that many people took pieces over the days that the tree laid in disparity. Attempting to hold fire, however each day brought with it an effort by nature to thwart us until the third day. When given a narrow opportunity before the rain to hold the ceremony, not only clearing our pieces, but all the pieces that many people had confiscated. It wasn't until the next morning that we realize how much this work was needed to open the energy that is direct connection to Intihuatana, the sun temple right above Pisac. This temple has an ancient cosmic rock which connects directly to Alcyone, our central sun. For this the temple emits quite possibly the highest frequency on the planet.

Jeremy -
The next day while enjoying a beautiful sunny morning at breakfast with Jay on the upper level, the doors wide open to the narrow wooden balcony transport me to an image of life in Italy. Lisana having left earlier for dance in the glass round house at PazYLuz, a familiar haunt for her and a comforting space. 
Gazing out over the terraces that step down onto the valley floor in front of our adobe villa, I notice the lethargic stagger of our landlord Rolando as he climbs towards the house. He offers me a hearty greeting as I join him in the garden and explains his hangover from the day before, claiming to have lost all of his money. I realize it's rent day albeit a little ahead of time. Accepting the money with his calloused hands he returns to the maize field below where he and two other farmers are working two teams of bulls.
Returning to breakfast and tea long enough for something to infuriate one of the beasts, having broken free of his harness decides to charge the other team. Jay and I spring up aghast at the spectacle. One of the small Incan farmers runs at full pelt while clinging onto the rope of the stampeding bull until losing his footing and then dragged into the dirt and through the corn stalks for about 20 feet. Letting go he seems alright but now it's futile to stop the charge.
Lungeing at the two animals harnessed together the situation seems drastic and extremely dangerous as Rolando joins in the skirmish with equal tenacity. I feel the psychology behind the bulls reaction as suddenly realizing the possible demise of one of them. It took seconds for their awareness to join, automatically turning 180 degrees like dance partners to face the individual aggressor as they stormed with a neutral demand. The single bull ran like a scolded youth. Our tea still hot, brings us back into the kitchen and to the discussion of tonights full moon.

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