Friday, February 14, 2014

Somewhere Out There

Jeremy and I now, three weeks separated by what is known as space-distance and even time, all being of illusion. For he returned to Port Townsend while I remain here in Peru to hold space for our temple until my visa runs out. 
Aware I am that upon my awakening with birds singing their songs of the earth's frequency, Jeremy is deep asleep. As my eyes peer out the window upon first sight of each new day I see Apu Nuesta, where the maiden stands tall overlooking the sacred valley and our adobe. This time of year a heavy mist hovers around her and the vortex that encompasses my viewpoint. Jeremy met with her months ago delivering one of our sacred crystals while receiving the radiance of a thousand suns.
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight as I look to the stars with fascination I understand that if he is looking up at the same time, my view is opposite for we exist now in different hemispheres. 
The shared heart and soul of twin flames is an extraordinary gift and earned, for as candles in the wind the flames burn as brightly as the vibration of the embodied souls. If one drops in matched vibration there becomes a loss of resonance, rendering a distance far greater than any time or space continuum.    
We hold a shared dream, one for Gaia and for all beings on her. A vision of the new ascended earth with temples of light. Jeremy's unwavering love for Gaia has been the impetus for my arrival to assist with the expansion of consciousness,his prayer and call out for help was heard by the universe. 
We moved quickly in this powerfully charged one year together, traversing towns, states and countries, delivering codes of unconditional love as well as charged crystals full of clear intention for change.
Our powerful union, called forth by the highest realms with trust and knowing our level of commitment has us apart, will we remain united? 

Airplane travel is taxing whether you like it or not. When I immerse myself in a culture, extraction seems to make little sense to my spirit. Returning from Peru I feel like I am stepping off a fast moving escalator, not sure if I am at the top or the bottom. Port Townsend, exhibits a tranquility that is unobtainable, the easy going tide has a quickening current that pulls underneath the surface. The difference in frequency is astounding.
My dog, Shasta, well kept, and my friends in good health, I settle back into the great northwest. It is challenging to withstand the confusion of dropping in frequency from being in certain places on the planet, by no means an insult to any place considered to be of any lower in vibration, it is just reality. Where we were living in Pisac, beneath the sacred temple ruins of the Condor is possibly the highest frequency temples on the planet. 
I feel withdrawn, private and happy to be back, with the extreme cold snap occupying me in fetching wood. I try to recluse but my good friends Matt and Tim monitor my alone time, assisting me in not crashing into winter blues. A common occurrence around here and somewhat of an achilles heel for me as I truly am a child of the sun. The time in Peru was adventuresome to say the least, holding more purpose than the sense of my own reality and life. I have felt discombobulated after such large undertakings. I register a level of success through our efforts in the high Andes, yet how can I continue in service in the place of my return? A hemisphere away from my twin flame and spirit in arms, Lisana, who I believe to carry essential light codes of ascension.

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