Sunday, April 6, 2014


Just days away from our departure of these Peruvian lands we now connect with Machu Picchu, the well known and traveled temple ruins of a inter-galactic sun temple. Sitting out in the middle of nowhere, requires either a 4 day hike, or a train ride with the continuance of a bus to the top of this potent spot. Understanding they limit entrance to 2500 visitors per day and while due to off-peak season our almost empty carriage indicates we will have a less than usual crowd.

An early start as we make our way to the train where we are separated from Patricia as she being a native Peruvian must ride in a different train car. While still dark outside we settle into our comfy seats, taking the opportunity to rest, preparing ourselves for ceremony on this most mystical mountain sanctuary; quite possibly the finale for our Peruvian spirit escapades. There, the first beam of light pouring into the windows that crown the ceiling of the train, with an affirming glance we both acknowledge the benefit of roof windows. The mountains are stunning as we curve our way through this narrow canyon. My nose pressed to the glass as I peer out to the fast moving scenery I'm amazed at how the track is on the very edge with the steep drop offs leading to the river below, at times it feels we are in some fantastic fantasy. Views of the river and Apu's are continual as we make our way deeper the tropical flair indicates the jungle approaching. My tears entrain in an attempt to match the energy of this rapid river, I'm fixated with the water as it continuously cascades around the enormous rocks which lie within it's path.

Arriving to Agues Calientes we bumble around the station looking for some nourishment. It's an odd place, while the restaurant bars almost consume the rail road tracks everything seems to have a European twist; yet the jungle and sheer valley walls ensure your understanding of being in the sacred valley. We manage to stumble upon an all you can eat breakfast buffet. Unable to devoir quite like Patty and I, Lisana takes full advantage, making worth the 28 sol by drinking inordinate amounts of pineapple juice while stashing raisins in her napkin. Next stop is a surprise to us as we walk pass the town church and the call to mass stops Patty in her tracks. Turning to us for our consent, unified we walk into the church, with our swollen bellies anchoring us in the moment. Half an hour later we are on the bus.
Breathtaking switch backs ensue until we are delivered to the entry way to the majestic Machu Picchu. With tickets in hand we walk through the turn stile only to be approached by a suited man who asks to see what I am carrying, noticing my handmade leather coat he requests us to step inside the office. A lengthy conversation with the officials, centered around the debate over whether temples should be businesses or shared as sacred space for the connection to the spirit of the universe.
My coat seized, yet we are still equipped with very potent crystals in pocket and Lisana's crystal bowl and thus enter.
I have been instructed by Lisana in that certain voice modality she uses while channeling higher source, that I am to prepare myself to be the sole projector and diviner of the path we are to take. I am clear on the path but the projector? Willing but not 100 percent knowing. Sure, I have become familiar with clearing, transmuting, reconnecting grids, sending energy on through telluric pathways, opening portals, receiving golden light codes and so on. Each and every situation there is a need for intuitive knowing and not so much mental planning and for this I accept willingly as I trust the source of Lisana's intention.

Grateful for Jeremy's ceremonial medicine coat as the distracting energy allows for the crystal bowl to gain entrance. All musical-sound vessels are not permitted, evidence of the many flutes lying piled along the window ledge in the office. I feel the energy of something else at work while Jeremy and Patty hold their stance with the officials. Likened to a child who cannot understand an audible language, I wait as usual course, the only non-spanish speaker. This allows a clear channel for me to observe the energies, I can feel the exchange has nothing to do with the coat, yet the diversion is apparent. I remain innocent to the fact that I hold the sacred sound of unconditional love in a form of a vibrational tone from the crystal bowl as well as my heart. No one suspects me or what I am carrying on my back. I ask myself why is it they are keeping sound from this powerful galactic portal, that one day someone will open it allowing for the ancients to reawaken with their codes of light?
Regaining our composure after Jeremy and Patty having quite a go of it, we commence on a path to the sun. I am in full trust, once again that Jeremy will lead us to the appropriate locale. We never verbally plan our course where the bowl will be played or what ceremonies are needed, we just go. However what is revealed is that Jeremy will be the master projector of the visioning new earth in this high portal. I am here to assist and urge him to completion. When we reach the path that splits, either to the right we head to the venerated sun temple or to the left about 2 kilometers the gateway. He leads us to the gateway where we are to follow the traditional pathway into the temple to ask permission to enter. 
The walk challenging, I guess why not as with consideration for where we are. A narrow path traverses the mountain with the mirage of the ancients crowding the trail, while overlaid with the visitors of the day. 

The sun gate seems to maintain it's distance no matter how hard we try, we push onward.
In this altitude with full sun the awareness of exposure to solar rays is apparent as our skin burns with the heat inducing waves of breathlessness and rosie cheeks. Taking an extraordinarily long time, Patricia usually following. Her grandeur covers the entire spectrum ensuring our full protection as she unsheathes her swords of AA Michael, keeping her in warrior pose.

At last we arrive, we are not alone. There are many visitors present within every opening filled with witnesses, some students, some teachers some guides. The energy, highly charged demand of us for continual efforts to clear for ceremony. Jeremy insists we clear all the crystals with the tuning fork and smudge ourselves thoroughly. 

Asking permission at the sun gate registers to me as an important part of the protocol of this heavenly seat. We step through the gate outside in order to do any necessary clearing of our own etheric fields and now re-enter the sanctuary.
There is a vying over real estate for the best views of the temple complex. As exclamations are made for the light rays that are striking the site, cameras are drawn and battle seems imminent amongst the hungry tourists. For this I understand we cannot just pass, it is apparent that the gateway needs clearing too. Making a small ascent onto a craggy rock just above, the bowl is to be used here and we will be in full view. Lisana pulls the sound upwards from the vessel, the frequency of the high heart is infused into the atmosphere. I release my guttural tone like a wolf in the forest to intensify and arrest a sense of non involvement, heads turn involuntarily toward the chorus; all take part even if it reflects in a furrowed brow. As we swiftly rejoin the trail I glance at the gateway to see and spy a lady behind everyone and beyond the gate, whose eyes lock with mine as her head nods approvingly.
Everyone else disappear into their camera bags and lunch boxes. 

The descent perpetually pulls us ever closer to the destined Intihuantana, the sun temple. Stopping along the way to make offerings while recognizing the antiquity of the once inhabited precipice.
We arrive to a large flat rock, each taking our seat as Patricia stands guard. This is to be the location to pull down light codes for Jeremy's vision center. Using my amethyst point and tuning fork we commence the practice. 
While Jeremy is receiving, a guest makes an appearance, motioning he too would like to be attuned. The young Incan man joins us atop in a sweet open hearted state. 
Promptly another steps up, Patricia screening our participants comes close to requests permission as aware she is with the connection to the one who sits with us. Agreeing yet with the motion no more as we must move on soon.
After receiving, the two acknowledge with gratitude while honoring us.

When I approach any power point I usually sense a fluttering in my stomach with the presence of something more powerful connecting us throughout the universe, calling for me to slip into the dream time. On this occasion my stomach is swirling like a washing machine, I feel the core of the earth and the galactic source creating an axis through my very center. I am truly spun in the magnificence of the energy here.
We begin to weave our way through half dismantled temples with stones perfectly hewn while not possible to blow away. My focus is on the terraced pyramid that towers in the heart of the sanctuary. The three of us exchange wide eyed glances as we begin our approach. Lisana and I kneel at one doorway immaculately framed in cubical stone blocks. We bow our heads and in silence offer our names and ask for permission to enter while Lisana tucks a tiny garnet into the crux of four blocks. We stand and continue to the narration of one of the paid guides explaining that this doorway is where the priests and priestesses would enter. 
In full embodiment of our higher selves, we take our positions in the line to ascend the narrow staircase. The procession moves steadily upwards as a conveyer belt, for viewing of the sacred rock. People stream in and stream out of the open air cosmic altar high above the other surrounding temples in the complex. This is one of Pacha-mama's key receptors for galactic light to be received and transmitted through the planetary grid of which we are all connected by the electro-magnetism of our hearts. 
Approximately 25 people on the upper level of the pyramid as we arrive, the vibration is tangible and awesome. Lisana walks close to me in a circle around and then steps away behind me, I think. There is a hubbub when Patricia steps toward the delineated no go zone and immediately barked at by one of the casually dressed security guards. "No one is to touch the stone" the authority announces. Like a child that understands nothing about heat Patricia lays her hand upon the galactic oracle stone. What comes next is close to an arrest and I feel this could seriously disrupt our opportunity to assist in the creation of a magnanimous download. Already at the point of no return transcending my normal state of being I can feel myself opening to the mission at hand. Patty diminishes her energy field dwarfs  herself a few steps to my left. With eyes now closed I can see the auric fields of those who stand in this temple, a luminescent blue glow outlines their presence. I cannot get a read on Lisana and Patty has shrunk to a small pink orb hiding behind her swords. This is not a time to hold hands so I fall deeper into a state of timeless knowing, the portal is open and I stand between the worlds with megavolts of chi energy pulsing from my feet, igniting the rainbow of light sent like a spear of divinity, striking my crown chakra from the heavens to the beloved mother and her confused inhabitants. Whether knowing or not I let out a concise barrage of primal tones and with an adamant gesture I point my finger spiraling upwards to the skies making the connection an everlasting one. Opening my eyes I see no one at first, until I feel Lisana's hand on my back.
All is quiet and movement is replaced by stares of wonderment. Without consultation I turn to leave and exit the Intihuatana.
After ten paces I am overcome with the residual charge from the experience. My body shutters while my soul re-calibrates, I may even hit the ground this time and slowly fold into Lisana's arms. Seconds later we are all smiling with just a few crystals left to offer. Last stop is the condor temple as we realize our departure time is encroaching. A few moments at the temple of the condor allows us to gift another dream time lemurian quartz and we swiftly make our way towards the turn stiles. After retrieving my coat we make our hasty return to the train station with only moments to spare as we claim our passage back to Ollantaytambo for the night. 
While strolling in the mild evening air we both concur that this will be the last of our missions here for now. 

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