Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Luna River

With only a few days having passed since Jeremy has left, out of nowhere an earth walker appears and in a moments notice guides me to the river. Jeremy and I held ceremony there months ago when we were clearing the ancient tree that was dumped as many spirits were trapped. Now, today I am taken to another part of the river further down where the local municipality is dumping trash.
I share with Luna that the trash is a physical manifestation of  blocked energy and that the kundalini energy which we opened at solstice on Lake Titicaca has traveled here and now is stuck. 
It is a beautiful day and the walk passed the river is spectacular, that is until we reach the dumping spot. Approaching it I begin to smell the rotting of discarded energy. There are many large pigs on top of this huge pile of trash with ferrell dogs lingering about, awaiting opportunists they are.
This river is a critical artery as it picks up energy flowing right into the amazon, the source of life on the planet.
Understanding I have just met Luna and not having shared much about who I am and what I do, she intuitively leads me to a perfect spot as all the earth walkers I have worked with do.
Having a bit of a hike on the hill without hesitation she turns to me with her hand reaching out to assist me down the bank.  
I hold onto her and stop our movement until she looks directly at me with an inquiring expression. I say to her "you don't understand how meaningful this is, as all the earth walkers I have been with seem to know just when I need assistance". I thank her as we proceed on the decline to the river.
Finding a perfect spot around some trees we hold ceremony opening a portal and moving the kundalini energy of the earth down the river. I make an offering to the water of crystals and sacred water with my heart and love.
The next day we return with 12 children to again hold ceremony and remove the debris that has inhabited the wooded area. Right on the spot where we sat for ceremony the day prior are three large pigs happily sleeping in the flow of energy.
The local children got to receive a message of honoring pacha- mama while experiencing the crystalline sound of my bowl.
My new dear friend of nine years old, Lisamantana stays close with me, holding hands the entire way to the river and our return home.
Our bond is so deep I expect to be in her life as she in my for quite sometime. The children all get it so quickly, even without words as my espanol is quite limited however my heart speaks of love and this they know. Thank you spirit for a most beautiful day by the river of life. 

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