Saturday, March 1, 2014

Five Warriors in Five Minutes

After almost 4 months of living in the adobe farmhouse in Chihuanco it is time for the temple of light to move. The interfering energies have been relentless and the vortex must subside, for now anyway. At first I felt I have failed in some manner that I could not hold the space, for this was the reason I thought I extended my stay in Peru. However, now revealing as had never been the 3D locale for the temple, while also a divine plan to sequester me for protection, I am at peace with the relocation. We raised the frequency here at this most potent energy line, the temple is where ever I go.
Though I will miss this adobe, even after the initial shock of first glance where I could not imagine being able to maintain my vibration in these earthy conditions. With spectacular views as the home sits at the feet of Apu Linli, the mighty protector who stands across from his fair maiden, Nuesta, whom has been waiting for her love to return, yet a powerful energetic disconnecting spell has been placed between them. Now I move on, recognizing the divine plan. 
Not having a household of furniture nor possessions, yet is more than I can carry and for those of you that know me you understand this is the one thing which challenges me, that is to carry anything. Mentioning to Eric the son of a friend the day prior that I may need him, however his english is slight as is my spanish. So, not sure if he fully understood me I proceed to secure other means this morning. The way everyone moves here is with a moto, (3 wheeled vehicle) that has a back with an ability to haul. 
Securing a vehicle immediately upon entering town, two young warriors will be my guardians and strength. While on the path to the adobe I see another friend whom has stopped to visit a mutual friend, both being strong masculine. David my driver stops so I may advise my friends what I am up to and quickly they offer to help, now making four warriors and my shaman dog friend, Salca. Upon arrival to the house sits young Eric, my new friend whom is waiting patiently to assist in the days endeavor. Holding back my tears as the grace which showed up immediately in my hour of need is abundant and I am honored and grateful. Divinity flows through these beautiful warriors offering their commitment, strength as well as protection for me. No sooner do I turn around that in five minutes all my things are loaded onto the vehicle. A five minute morning with five warrior men, I bow to the masculine for recognizing an opportunity of great assistance for the feminine.      

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