Monday, March 10, 2014

The Waiting Room

Jeremy -
After several weeks my sense of purpose seems more absent than ever, I squirm in the discomfort of absolute idleness. Although I am not motionless, as good progress is made in the construction of my friend's wood shop. 
Spending my days doing carpentry in the cold and the evenings in contemplation whilst sitting on a wooden box by the stove, the wind whistles through the cracks of the unfinished structure as forest critters scratch for entry. Time feels difficult, the moments monotonous and drawn. I can't seem to access the process in which I was so heavily involved. I feel like I am sliding down a gradual slope, turning to movies and beer to quell my discomfort. What I don't realize is that I am slowly moving toward the understanding that I am in the waiting room. This doesn't actually become clear until week seven, when I receive a phone call from Lisana insisting that my presence is required back down in Peru. Confused and somewhat frustrated I question the invitation, surely Lisana is aware that I do not have the funds to do such a thing, but the idea intrigues me. I have missed being in Peru where I felt so comfortable yet stimulated by the natural harmonics which flow through the culture and mountain rivers. 
"How!" I retort in our second conversation about the subject, "I am willing, even excited but I need to know that this is absolutely necessary". Lisana delivers her beliefs and her guidance on how essential this act of return will be, initiated by a pilgrimage to one of the 12 sacred mountains of Peru, Pachatusan.    

Toward the end of our conversation Lisana states that our good friend Patty is wanting to sponsor us for this full endeavor. With only a few days to get there before the equinox, I accept to take the journey.

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