Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mending Broken Hearts

While not having my earth walking twin flame with me, spirit has called in other earth walkers, assuring that I continue to go where is necessary. Perfect synchronicity reveals as before I know it I am in a 4 hour council meeting in the 3D realm with Patricia and the earth walker. A local Peruvian man, whom he and his wife had seen me for sometime awaiting opportunity for right timing to engage. His deep roots with the Incan culture combined with his crystal knowledge and earthing abilities make for a perfect ambassador. After revealing all the places Jeremy and I had gone he acknowledges it was a perfect path and offers that I must now go up to the very mountains which Jeremy did just months ago. Of course he understands that it is not of my knowing how to walk on the planet as he does, thus suggests transport which will get us most of the way. His deep roots to this sacred land provides wisdom allowing access to the grid where I must physically reach.

Our first trip will be on the mighty Linli, whom I honor not only for a great protector, but the twin flame of the maiden, who awaits her beloved from across the valley. Patricia, William and I will be driven by a local man holding the understanding of what must be. Our ascension is met with many turns, passing several villages of beautiful indigenous radiant beings. Children peer at us while sheep, ox and dogs line the path as our courageous driver takes the steep muddy bends with care assuring our safe passage. Stopping suddenly as there is a downed tree on the path and a vehicle ahead of us with local tribe attempting the removal. The village women take the opportunity to pick flowers and herbs while the men pull together to move this heavy tree. Our team jumps out offering assistance. Making these connections I realize we now have an escort to take us to a noble point where we will continue the journey by foot. I offer to play my crystal bowl for this beautiful community, of course with interpretation as I am the only non spanish speaker standing on the sacred ground. I am not sure what was spoken but it must have been accurate enough as everyone took a stance of receiving when I made motion to kneel before them removing my bowl from it's padded case. I know the power of sound and yet only in the United States, among english speaking people. Now, a true test of the crystalline sound, does it transcend language? I begin to play and as always with eyes shut I can feel the reverence of the moment and when I stand to offer the sound for each individual I see all of them holding beautiful space with their eyes closed, receiving the sound and my love. Tears begin to well up as I approach each of them to kiss and thank them for allowing me to enter this magnificent portal for which they know as their home. As we begin to walk off I wonder what they thought, assuming they have never seen or heard a crystal singing bowl, especially being played by a fair skinned gringo, maybe they think I am an alien.
The hike is somewhat easy for me and I am not sure why. It certainly has moments of challenges that I am able to transcend with grace, as if pacha mama is lifting me and gliding me across her. I feel light as I jump across rocks and streams while ascending to higher altitudes. This earth walker is taking me through 3 door ways, ending at the last where we will hold our ceremony. Amazing as not being able to speak with him, I am able to communicate. He like all the earth walkers that I have been with does the splendid act of turning around at just the right moment when I need help with his hand reaching towards me for assistance; in gratitude every time this happens. This is a Peruvian man that has not been around me nor heard stories of how I have been assisted, he showed up and knew exactly what to do with me on the earth. 
Arriving at the 3rd doorway we set up a shared altar as Jeremy and I have always done. William brings his crystals and places them on my cloth. The constant threat of rain is thwarted off by Linli, though later we confirm it had rained substantially down in Pisac. The four of us sit on the grassy slope of the peak of this Apu, with the sun making an appearance at the height of ceremony offering us warmth in the chill of the high Andean atmosphere. Linli has waited a very long time to re-unite with his twin flame, with both having broken hearts from separation. Now we will join the two with a rainbow bridge allowing their unconditional love to flow through the valley. After the ceremony I notice that on the very spot we sat tiny little white flowers have opened and continue to open in front of our eyes. Crystals are deposited, one being a heart for Linli and the days efforts are completed as we make our way back down this majestic mountain. With great surprise when Patty and I get in the car I look down at my feet and a newspaper with Ashtar Sheran waving hi to us with a affirming gesture solidifies the day with such joy, Patty says she has never seen his image on any Peruvian paper.
On the next day our mission takes us to Nuesta, the maiden to offer her Linli's. heart, connecting the two allowing the mending of broken hearts of the twin flames of this sacred valley. Delighted she accepts our efforts and the re-union ignites with passion of the Apu's. 

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